Really tight log

by BeachSand1234


  1. limeycock

    Not stupid food at all. That looks very well made and delicious.

  2. Joobebe514

    I’m disgusted but at the same time I would love to eat it

  3. Stoweboard3r

    This guy gets posted a lot, but nobody can deny that he doesn’t know how to cook. Plus most of his stuff looks delicious

  4. malaclypse

    It’s over the top but at least looks well done. So much stuff you see is just disrespectful to the food.

  5. upandout_

    this guy clearly knows what he’s doing i just wish his content wasn’t so repetitive. it comes across like he’s incapable of conceiving of food that doesn’t eventually become a burrito or a wellington

  6. Helenium_autumnale

    Looks fantastic. A super-Wellington. Would smash.

  7. 0fficerGeorgeGreen

    This is perfected ragebait. He acts and makes something silly, but it is still good looking food.

  8. crinkneck

    It’s interesting and way too much effort for me, but it looks legit delicious. And I’m actually impressed by the first step with the meat. That part I wanna do to make my own shawarma or something hahaha.

  9. This arsehole again.

    At least the food would be good.

  10. WishingAnaStar

    This is one of the least disgusting British foods I’ve ever seen.

  11. HouseGrouse

    Stupid? No. Unnecessary? Yes. Would I eat it? Yes.

  12. Brobafett96

    Someone should make a “stupid delicious” sub for stuff like this

  13. I would not make this myself but if this was served at a restaurant I would eat it.

  14. Telemere125

    Y’all gotta program these bots better to find actual stupid food; all this guy’s stuff looks too labor-intensive but delicious

  15. Commercial_Pitch_786

    And later in the Bathroom he lays a really tight log

  16. EanmundsAvenger

    I feel like this guy is doing what ChefsClub wishes they were doing. Wild ideas executed with amazing precision and skill to the point they are actually beautiful and likely delicious

  17. Thunderflex1

    whys this in stupid food, that looks incredible

  18. echochilde

    I’d never in a hundred years take the time to make this monstrosity, but I’d sure as hell eat it.

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