Pictures are of tomato and green pepper plant, but most plants in the bed have the same sort of damage. Looks almost like an insect eating a trail on the leaves, but I’m not sure.

by waffletaco_1


  1. SowmyaNandha

    Leaf miners. Remove the first leaf or massage the leaves(less probability – may not kill them)

  2. MentionPotential4978

    Feel along the leaf and you will find the larvae within, crush it. Remove the leaf if bad.

  3. londonb10

    Leaf Miners! I had the same issue last month I used a combination of Spinosad and a concoction of mashed chili peppers, garlic, water, and a cap full of olive oil.

    Make sure you get rid of the leaves!

  4. Tetelestai7777

    Leaf miners generally do not cause enough damage to leaves to warrant doing anything. They are more of a cosmetic damage pest than anything.

  5. Admirable-Parsley760

    Leaf miners. Remove any infected leaves and/or use neem oil.

  6. carlitospig

    I ignore. I’ve never seen them do so much damage that the plant can’t produce.

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