Host Anna Medina talks with Alfonso Marquez Ramirez, Pastry Chef at Chez TJ, a Michelin Star rated restaurant in Mountain View, about tips and tricks for making ice cream at home. Marquez Ramirez shared his recipe for a vanilla ice cream base:

Alfonso Marquez Ramirez’s ice cream base
Yield: 2 quarts

3 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
1 can sweetened condensed milk
15 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla

In a saucepan, bring cream, milk and condensed milk to a boil, take off the heat, add vanilla and set aside.
In blender, puree yolks and sugar for 1 minute on high, then turn down to low.
Add half of the hot milk mixture, blend for 30 seconds and add back to the pot. Heat mixture until it reaches 170 F, then chill for 3 hours. Put half of the mixture in ice cream machine until it is of soft-serve consistency, put in an airtight container and freeze until set.

Video by Palo Alto Online


  1. Mine came amazing! Didn't set the first time because it wasn't cold enough, I think, but I tried again with the same sauce the next day, and it came amazingly tasty. I did it with vanilla pods. Thanks for the advice!

  2. Hi..can I use less than 15 egg yolks?..and is it better if I will add Xantham gum in this recipe?

  3. Hi, im apri from indonesia.. i wanna ask how if i dont have an ice cream machine, can i make it just only stirr it constanly in stainless steel bowl with dry-ice below?

    Thank you and appologize for my english

  4. This was lovely to watch, I really liked how the Chef was really enthusiastic about making the ice cream. I am looking forward to trying this recipe out!

  5. Are we all just pretending that the recipe in the description is different from the video? Do I need sweetened condensed milk? Is it 1 c if sugar or 3/4 c?

  6. I've tried this recipe with the condensed milk and it tastes beautiful, however it melts quite quickly as soon as I take it out of the freezer. What have I done wrong? Am I to leave the condensed milk out as it doesn't say say in the actual video?

  7. This guy is a fool. The reason to cook the mixture up to 170 is to thicken the egg

  8. 15 yolks? Are you OK? I couldn't believe when I read 15 yolks, I thought maybe it's mistyped.

  9. Made this ice cream today! What a difference with the condensed milk and 15 egg yolks! A true treat!!

    Made many meringues with the egg whites.

    Thank you

  10. It's a pity that a lot of talking is more important than cooking. I estimate that only less than half of demonstration had educational value.

  11. Looks delish! Can't wait to give it a try!! Thanks for the video tutorial and recipe, of course!!! P.S. – The written recipe posted is not the same as in the video. On the video demo, no condensed milk was added and sugar measured at 3/4 cup. Viewers may get a different result with the written recipe versus the video demo. 🙂

  12. I make ice cream fairly regularly and I never cook it on a direct heat anymore I prefer to use a water bath it takes a bit longer but it's fool proof and it dousnt attach onto the bottom of the pan and there's no bit in the base even when I put it through the siv,
    Also I don't usually use milk usually cream with some evaporated milk sometimes but usually just cream and I also don't add any egg yolks anymore I used to but don't now as I prefer it just cream and sugar base with some evaporated milk

  13. I find an interview demonstration tedious and cringe inducing. Why is she telling the viewer what he is going to do? Can he not speak for himself? Then there's the silly attempts at humor which fall flat because they've obviously already planned the narrative prior to filming. It's like watching a lame Home Shopping Network video.

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