Day 75 of posting grilled cheese sandwiches until I run out of cheese types: Comté

by Pkonko37


  1. * Cheese Flavor: Rich, savory and earthy
    * Meltiness: Melted well and had a stringy pull
    * Overall: 9.5/10 one of my favorites thus far

  2. iammagicduck

    Where do you work at that you have such a huge variety of cheeses?

  3. TheGiantRascal

    I’m just picturing a bunch of people from different websites taking notes on every post, and just waiting for you to be done so that they can post “the comprehensive list of the best cheeses for grilled cheese” article.
    “You’ll be shocked at what’s number 1 😮”

  4. BoopTheCoop

    I hope you never run out of cheese. I look forward to these every single day!

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