Asked non-British boyfriend to make me some bovril on toast… what do you reckon? attempted murder? GBH at least?

by woodpecker_juice


  1. woodpecker_juice

    I tried to take a bite because he was so pleased with myself, but I couldnt force it down. had to have him butter another toasted roll and ate it like a sandwich!

  2. __life_on_mars__

    That one slice contains your recommended sodium for the week.

  3. ElectronicBrother815

    Oh no. My hubby did that with marmite and I nearly divorced him.

  4. Historical-Car5553

    He’s done you a favour. Bovril is inedible at any time

  5. ComprehensiveCost270

    I found out I had Covid because my boyfriend (a non marmite eater) made me marmite on toast with the same amount of marmite as he would for peanut butter. Knew it was going to blow my head off but took a bite to be polite and couldn’t taste a thing!

  6. fruitgamingspacstuff

    I thought bovril was just a name for drinking an oxo cube? So is this just gravy on toast?

  7. What’s the white fat,? It looks like black pudding.

  8. Anarchyantz

    Looks like they used the toast to wipe their ass

  9. Wonderful_Bug3111

    I’d have a mug of bovril and dip that sucker in there

  10. Perfectly Ok provided you eat it with at least 9 other slices of toast.

  11. Customdisk

    The correct amount of Marmite not been inducted into bovril

  12. GillzZ_22

    Grew up eating bovril on toast. So no judgement here!

  13. UnionJackAltruist

    I think that’s straight up high treason… for you to request such a disgusting meal!

  14. ShitPost-Generator

    As a British person, what the fuck is bovril

  15. Bennie16egg

    Bovril on toast is good, marmite better.
    Is that butter or snot as an accompaniment?

  16. creamY-front

    It’s gotta be the 9-spot rule for bov/marmite on toast, 1 spot per bite on a 3×3 grid – thank me later 🤛

  17. TheDuckling21x

    You’re the criminal. Did you ensure your boyfriend was up to the task? Or did you send him in blind and expected him to pull it off?

    Always do it yourself that way it never goes wrong.

  18. Meal-Entire

    I was raised on Bovril on toast in the 70’s and 80’s. Still eat it now and so do my kids. Bloody lovely.

  19. thesupremeweeder

    That’s disgusting. Bovril for drinks and adding to gravy etc only. I think he should just leave, assaulting you is a bridge too far.

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