Nothing was bad and it was fun and interesting experience. Nothing was terrible. Altoona dough was good but that cheese makes no sense, its not bad at all but i won’t be making it at home. Otto’s was best, and i would go back. Sheetz is not bad for something that’s 3.99 from a gas station,

by HashtagFaceRip


  1. The_Possessor

    That first one is an abomination. That cheese.

  2. Rancher147

    When I was a kid, I took a slice of Wonder Bread, toasted it, slathered it with Heinz ketchup, slapped on a slice of Kraft orange on that, and then microwaved it all to melt. Called it a pizza. That’s what the first image reminds me of.

  3. MisterAnneTrope

    Nuke Pa. from space now for crimes against pizza

  4. OneManFreakShow

    What the *hell* is going on with that first “pizza?” Is that a regional thing? Is that Kraft singles? I’m appalled.

  5. TheInfamous313

    Lol. This description sounds like a parent critiquing their child’s horrendous attempt at cooking something.
    “Nothing here is bad, per say”
    “No it’s not terrible”
    “Yeah, no, yeah it’s not baaad”
    “No. We don’t need to make this again at home”
    “Sure, I guess maybe we can do this again”

  6. broncobuckaneer

    The last one looks the best, and it still looks like something somebody would make at home, and then post pictures of it here asking “do you think it’s worth upgrading to a dedicated pizza oven?”

  7. There is an Altoona, Iowa also. and it seems like that same pizza would be served there. I gotta go to dollar tree and get some off brand American cheese and try this.

  8. Agent_00range

    Ugh no thanks, looks cheap and disgusting. Sorry just honest.

  9. samsquanchpartsUNkN

    What in the holy fuck is that monstrosity…………..

  10. redditsuckspokey1

    Number 2 looks like a fancy version of the Friday rectangle school lunch pizza.

  11. That first one is an affront to God and is the first sign of the apocalypse

  12. mattgodburiesit

    I’m sorry but you were in central Pennsylvania, not western Pennsylvania.

    I’ve lived here many years and still haven’t been brave enough for Altoona style pizza so bravo to you.

    Next time you’re in Altoona check out JJ Hadley’s. Their pizza is GREAT.

  13. Between the crime of sliced american cheese and the fact that I hate green peppers, that first pic truly made me nauseous. Who made that, my mother who swore by Ragu and thought la Choy canned dinner kits were the height of international cuisine? The other two look good.

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