Hi all! Super newbie here. I’m here because I’ve learned that, unfortunately my liver isn’t doing so great. Until I’m done more testing and we figure out for sure how damaged it is, I’m working on whatever I can to give it a fighting chance. I’ve actually already lost 110 lbs this year, so fat loss is already happening. But my doctor said to work on adopting a Mediterranean style diet.

Looking forward to scrolling here and learning! My first question is about weight loss on this diet. I know the fats are all healthy sources, but how do you keep calories in a deficit?? I also can’t do fish, but I eat chicken breast daily. Is that even alright for my liver? I’m going to focus heavily on the fruit and veg part of the diet first, but making sure chicken would still be okay more often than I see suggested.

by ItsMelissaBoBissa


  1. transformedxian

    Great job so far! Chicken is fine but you’ll want to adopt more meatless protein sources, like legumes and pulses. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to eat fish.

    The high fiber and higher fat aspects of the MD lead to satiety so you feel full on less food (fewer calories). Between pulses, veggies, fruit, and whole grains, that’s where the magic happens for weight loss.

  2. Clueless_in_Florida

    I hope you don’t mind if I message you. Great job on the weight loss. I think I can shed some light. We are on a similar path. I’m gonna switch over to my laptop. I have a lot to type.

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