Get the RECIPE and INGREDIENTS here (plus a cute story): For Valentine’s Day, or for any cook at home date, nothing beats a sexy Banana Flambé – a French dessert ( “Bananas Foster” is the American modified version ) is surprisingly easy to make. Basically, citrus, bananas, sugar, butter, and Grand Marnier, or orange liqueur. Add brandy, light it up, and poof! You have a show. It’s impressive, but not so difficult. It’s not too late! Run to the store and get the ingredient list below. You’ll thank me later.

Here is a quick recap of the ingredients (for 2 servings):
2 just ripe bananas
1 orange
1 lemon
about a cup of orange juice
4 tbsps sugar
1 tbsp unsalted butter
some slivered almonds
2 tpsp of Orange Liqueur (Grand Marnier is the gold standard)
Brandy or Cognac (or Rum)
Vanilla Ice Cream

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  1. Chef Tony, what else fruits combination with ice cream good for flambe except banana and orange? 😊

  2. OMG. It looks amazing. I must say… looking for Italian recipies all day. You nailed it. Here I found the last awnsers before preparing the Zucchiniflowers I have in my balcony. I subscribed immediately. I directly saw a few other recipes I would like to try, Like the pasta with shrimps and artichokes.

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