Okay this might be the best olive oil cake I’ve ever made Andrea from avento offered to teach me his olive oil cake which is adapted from both Missy Robbins cake at Lilia and my elino my favorite cake from the olive oil cake bake off we

Rift on this a little by adding noino a walnut Lor that has really nice nutty notes and this is Andrea’s good luck technique for be know why it’s good luck we topped the cake with the sugar crust and then made all the plating components which really took this cake to the next

Level Andre insisted that hand whipped cream has the best texture and after tasting it I do have to agree that it was worth the extra elbow grease we also made a quick raspberry compost with just sugar raspberries and a little graa and after the cake came out of the oven we

Topped it with his super special olive oil whipped cream the raspberry compost a few luxardo cherries and the syrup a Sprinkle of powdered sugar and Flaky salt just going to dig in WoW make our olive oil cake cha


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