we got Mini Salt Bae before GTA 6

by RelationshipEven6149


  1. This is getting out of hand. I would just refuse to take it and would leave

  2. Own_Leadership7339

    Damn didn’t know child labor laws were that chill

  3. GoodAlicia

    People need to stop going to those cringey restaurants

  4. cernegiant

    Table side service is supposed to enhance a dish, not make it worse.

  5. SobtastixV2

    Other than asking him to eat, he is doing his job so

  6. GloriaToo

    Definitely wouldn’t follow him into a corn field.

  7. Valuable_Risk_3414

    Dunno if laughing or crying about this one

  8. Is that chicken that he keeps calling “super rare” cus I’m pretty sure that will kill you. Also anyone noticed how the second time he says it, it looks like it physically hurts him and he looks at the cameraman as if he is being forced to do this?

  9. Efficient_Travel4039

    This guy can be 12 and 40 at the same time.

  10. First of all, what is he saying?

    Also, he completely fucks it up like 3 times, I mean it’s one thing to be showy but it doesn’t really work if you can’t do it even somewhat decently. I guess that’s the Salt Bae effect though – just wave a knife around on some food and hope you don’t stab anyone.

  11. MasterWhite1150

    If seen this food so many times but what the actual fuck is it.

  12. This is by far the most infuriating thing. The dumb performance, the filming of said performance, the posting onto social media the whole fucking thing is the worst.

  13. Poop-commander

    This clip actually made me hate salt bae even more

  14. bobatea17

    I’m so glad that I’m poor enough to never go to one of these stupid ass restaurants

  15. DryDinner9156

    What food is that and wtf is he even trying to do?? And what is he saying? An overall strange video

  16. LarsonianScholar

    This is CLEARLY a joke he’s goofing on the salt bae guy. He’s not an actual employee there. I know yall need a “/s” to pick up on sarcasm 💀

  17. Itchy-Gap-3819

    What the actual fuck is this man child doing to that food?

    What did all of that knife and fork action amount to?

    Boy, leave it alone! I’ll cut it myself in the way I want. Thanks

  18. SINOXsacrosnact

    So took the guy about 40 seconds and a lot of cringe to spread cheese(I think?) And cut a sandwich.

  19. bedrockblonde

    I really need to know how to exit this timeline

  20. Postnarcissim

    I don’t understand the trend of having people play with your food before you can.

  21. I love it when my dish is cut with a knife that repeatedly touches the table

  22. EldritchKitchen

    Dude did the job he was assigned. For better or worse…. No disrespect deserved.

  23. 3DimensionalPixel

    Dude creeps me the fuck out too be honest…

  24. DirtyLittleBishop

    Why does everybody feel the need to act like a twat when serving food now? No, I don’t want you to fuck with my food, waving it around, hitting it repeatedly, slicing it up, and then presenting it to me like I should be impressed by your antics. I came for a feed, not a show, fuck off.

  25. HotChoc64

    I just watched this and said “what the fuck”. You have to be an actual robotic trend follower to ever waste money on this. It’s so hilariously stupid, he taps his knife for no apparent reason and apparently is meant to be viewed as “fancy”.

  26. CactusButtons

    I would punch my server for doing dumb shit like this. Just give me my fuckin food and help the next person

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