This easy cherry pie recipe video will show you how to make and bake a cherry pie from scratch with fresh cherries.

Cherry pie is a pie baked with a cherry filling. Because the cherry harvest in midsummer coincides with Canada Day (July 1st) and America’s Independence Day (July 4th), cherry pie is often served on those holidays. Cherry pie is often eaten with whipped cream or ice cream (à la mode).

This simple cherry pie recipe uses no canned filling or store-bought pie crust. We’re doing this easy cherry pie recipe from scratch because we believe in you! You can do it! Even if you’ve never done it before and don’t know how to bake a cherry pie from scratch, this video will show you everything you need to know to make a homemade cherry pie (with fresh cherry filling) completely from scratch.

The only part you’ll hate about baking a homemade cherry pie is waiting for the pie to cool so you can eat it!

Keyphrases: Pie, cherry pie, cherry pie recipe from scratch, cooking cherry pie, bake a cherry pie, easy cherry pie recipe, cherry pie recipe, cherry pie filling recipe, tasty cherry pie, cherry pie recipe fresh cherries, cherrie pie recipe tasty, cherry pie recipe easy, homemade cherry pie, homemade cherry pie recipe, homemade cherry pie from scratch, homemade cherry pie recipe with fresh cherries, easy homemade cherry pie, how to make cherry pie, how to make cherry pie filling, how to make cherry pie filling, how to make cherry pie with fresh cherries, how to make cherry pie tasty, how to bake a cherry pie


I am so excited to talk about cherry pie i have been working on a lot of cherry pies this week and i’ve always been intimidated by cherry pie but i have found a good recipe and i have some really great tips that this is going to make this a really easy cherry pie I really like using the fresh cherries for this pie recipe i tried it with frozen and i did not like the results nearly as much as when i used the fresh cherries so we’re going to use fresh cherries today i’m going to start assembling my pie filling by taking the

Cherries these are pitted cherries and to the cherries i’m going to add a third of a cup of tapioca flour i’m going to add three-fourths of a cup of sugar this is one cup i’m sorry one tablespoon of corn starch this is half a teaspoon of kosher salt half a teaspoon of almond

Extract and the juice of one whole lemon and that’s pretty much our filling i’m going to mix all this together and cover all this fruit and then i’m just going to let it sit to the side while i work on our pie crust okay now

We’re going to roll out our crust i have a double all butter pie crust and i’m going to start with the lining for the bottom of the pie pan okay this is going to be the bottom of our pie crust and i am using a silicone mat it’s a baking mat that especially

Used for rolling out pie crust and it has really changed the way that i ha work on my pies i like it because it doesn’t stick i don’t need nearly as much flour when i use this mat so i’m just going to roll this out into a 12 inch circle

I do have to pick up and move the crust around a little bit but i’m trying to handle it as little as possible because it’s hot in my kitchen it’s august and i don’t want to melt all of that butter that is so nicely distributed through this crust

This might roll out to be a little bit larger than 12 inches which wouldn’t be bad i’m making a nine inch size pie using a nine inch size pie pan but what of course i want to do is flute the edges of the crust crimping crimping the edges of the crust

Okay that’s pretty good the edges are rough but they’re going to get cut off anyway so i’m going to try to oops what i have to scrap it and start over when i made this pie crust i used a food processor which i love but i also don’t touch it very much so

It actually needs like one go around or else it’s just a little too crumbly which is sort of to my advantage that means that if i make a mistake like i did i can just start over okay now i’m going to try to move this crust over to my pie pan

And what i like to do is fold it in half and then fold it in quarters that should allow me to ease it into the pie pan and then i just unfold it should go all the way up the edges of the sides of the pipe pan like so

Now that we’ve put our bottom crust in our pie pan we’re gonna put the cherry filling in it and then while i’m working on rolling out the lattice top i’m gonna just stick it in the fridge for just a few minutes so it can stay cold okay here’s our pie filling

I’m going to pour it right into our pie crust and get all that juice in there because it’s got the sugar and the flavors this is about five ish five and a half cups of dark sweet cherries and i think it’s just perfect it’s almost like two full layers of cherries across

The width of this pie i’m going to roll this out to about the same size as the bottom crust about about a 12 inch circle because i want to cut about 10 strips out of this crust for my lattice top okay i’m using a pizza cutter to cut this dough

It’s just really easy to kind of follow this grid if you have a grid like this just measure about an inch and you’re gonna see like not every single strip is exactly accurate but it’s about an inch per strip before i put the top crust on i’m putting about a tablespoon

Of butter pieces on the top of the fruit just distribute them as best you can so i’m putting about five or six lattice strips going one direction to make my lattice crust and then i’m going to go back the other direction and add the additional strips

So before i crimp the edges of the pant pie i’m going to go around and just cut the extra length of these lattice strips i’m also going to take some additional dough and just fill in some of the missing edge or where i want the crust

To be built up a little bit more in my pie and now i just turn up the edges of the dough right now i’m just folding up the dough so it’s kind of all towards the top rim of the pan okay now that all the crust is sort of folded

Together i’m going to go around and i’m going to crimp the edge i really just take my two fingers on my one my right hand my thumb and my first finger and i sort of pinch the edge while i take my index finger on my left hand

And sort of squish the edge and then i go around and i do it again and i just do it and as it makes this little fluted pattern again it doesn’t have to be perfect there are going to be some bits that are thicker than others

And that’s okay okay our pie is pretty much ready but it needs to sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to make sure that crust is super chilled before putting it in the oven i covered the pie with some plastic wrap i’m going to chill it in the fridge

After we take it out of the refrigerator i’m going to brush the top of the crust with an egg wash and that’s going to make the crust beautiful and super shiny and then we’re going to bake it starting for 30 minutes in the oven okay the pie has chilled in the

Refrigerator for about 30 minutes and i have an egg wash here that is just egg yolk and a little bit of half and half that i’m just going to brush over the top of this pie and this will give it just a gorgeous beautiful golden color you want your lattice to look

Amazing after you went through all that work of weaving it it’s just gonna look awesome okay now we’ve put on our egg wash and we’re gonna take it over to the oven our oven is preheated to 400 degrees and here is our preheated foil lined baking tray

Okay the pie has baked for about 30 minutes now what i’m gonna do is take the pie out of the oven i always try to put a foil collar around my pie halfway through the big time because as you can see it just starts to brown on the edges

And if we were to let it cook the whole time without it it would just burn so this protects the crust while the rest of the pie is cooking and then we’re going to put this back into the oven for about 35 more minutes and there you have it a beautiful from

Scratch cherry pie [Applause] You


  1. Thx sooo much!!
    My mom had a looot of cherries & she didnt know what 2 do with them
    This saved our lives!!!!

  2. You remove the pits of the cherries while making a cherry pie using fresh cherries and there are seedless cherries that are used to make cherry pie 🍒🍒🍒🥧

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