My friend just ordered this spam and pineapple pizza. Please show him how you feel about this topping combo via up/down votes

by glyph1234


  1. boringneondreams

    If the spam were crispier it would be better!

  2. Dingus-McBingus

    Thats just hawaiian pride – I’d share that with my girlfriend and we would _devoir_ it

  3. Virtual_Manner_2074

    I actually have a can of spam. And I got a pineapple for Christmas! Hmmmmm…


    I see olives onions and green stuff. Lose the olives and I’d crush that

  5. Traffic_Alert_God

    I don’t trust anyone that puts onions on pizza

  6. BosBannerBoss

    Don’t worry his stomach will show him the next morning LoL 🤣 🚽🪠

  7. drunkbeard69

    Honestly if the spam was just a tiny bit crispier, I would say this is maybe the only situation I would eat spam in. So yeah crispier spam, lose the olives, and I think good pizza

  8. Base pizza looks great, making this all the more sinful

  9. we-otta-be

    Spam is just alright with meee, spam is just alright ohhh yyeeaahhhh

  10. Djstripeshirt

    Let’s not forget to mention the onion, Cilantro, and what I’m pretty sure is jalapeno! Looks good to me!

  11. Amnesiquack

    There are people who eat ass on this thread who are talking shit.

    This combo works. Salty, sweet. Not my preference for a pie, but who gives a fuck? Eat on.

  12. Looks awesome! I love SPAM, and that combo sounds killer!

  13. Neosantana

    Adding spam is what makes this a true Hawaiian pizza. Good lad

  14. Formal_Discipline_12

    That’s a Hawaiian pizza. Not that ham nonsense.

  15. Trebekshorrishmom

    Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it. Shame on you OP for trying to throw your buddy under the bus.

  16. Jhomas-Tefferson

    The true hawaiian is bacon and pineapple. I work as a pizzaolo, and that is what i stand by. Ham is alright. Spam sounds interesting, sausage is my boss’s favorite, but bacon is the king to me for a hawaiian – meaning pineapple and pork.


    Anyway, pineapple on pizza is fine. At this point it has been established as a standard pizza topping.

  17. Creative_Rock_7246

    As if ya put disgusting Spam on pizza 🤢🤢🤢

  18. donteattheshrimp

    In theory, I’d say it doesn’t sound great. I probably wouldn’t order it off a menu. But after seeing it, it looks awesome, would definitely smash!

  19. You should fry the spam in soy sauce and brown sugar first.

  20. redditsuckspokey1

    I’ve had spam twice and paid for it both times. That shit is terrible.

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