Pressure canned dried black beans yesterday, meticulously following the [NCFHP recipe,]( including the required 1 inch headspace. No signs of siphoning when they first came out of the canner (liquid still up to the 1 inch mark), but this morning a few jars look like this. Does siphoning happen outside the canner, or is this just caused by the beans absorbing the liquid as they cooled? All cans sealed perfectly. Thanks yall!!

by whitij


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  2. ImIncognita

    Starchy vegetables tend to absorb some of the liquid. The beans above the liquid line may discolor with time, but as long as half of the liquid remains it’s considered safe.

  3. cantkillcoyote

    To answer your question…both. The beans can absorb more liquid and siphoning can happen after you take them out of the canner…especially if your kitchen is cool or there’s a breeze (such as under an air vent).

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