$65 Costco filet mignon (3lbs)
Celtic Salt
Fresh ground pepper
Grass fed butter
Pat dry filets after removing from packaging, once dry season with salt and pepper.
Place filets in a vacuum seal bag and try to keep them spaced out. I added about 1Tbs of butter in small pieces around the meat before sealing.
Vacuum seal and place in SV, placing in the SV for 3 hours at 130 degrees.
Remove from SV and dry them off with a paper towel, gently patting them. Lots of love here.
Heat a pan, once hot add butter and the dry filets, sear on each side for two minutes. I add a little more butter in between flips.
Once both sides are seared remove and let rest for ten minutes before serving.
PS: I paid the dog tax severely times tonight.
by Craigbeau
Dog in the first photo, has the same expression as my own when I’m cooking something good.
Your dog has the look of “please drop all that on the floor. ALL of it. Okay maybe half. Maybe just a few pieces. Can I at least lick your fingers? How about the plate?”
That little face in the corner is stealing the show lol
Butter police incoming