I’m pretty sure it is just wanna double check!

by Thelementof1


  1. transformedxian

    No, it’s not. You ideally want to avoid coconut everything and use whole wheat flour. Almond flour and coconut flour both have a lot of extra fat and no fiber. The best sweeteners for this lifestyle are honey and maple syrup.

  2. Effective_Roof2026

    Pretty much anything that is low in sugar & satfat is automatically fine. Having said that I would just make banana bread rather than get a mix, its not difficult at all. When I see people using pancake mixes or bread mixes its basically the same, WTF would you pay extra for someone to use measuring spoons or a scale for you 🙂

    Few notes;

    * Almond & coconut flours are generally used to reduce total carbs, MD is absolutely not a low carb diet. Having this as a snack wont make much of a difference but you can use regular wheat flour if you make them yourself. Personally I like a mix of oat and wheat flours for banana bread, the flavor profile works good with more complete flours too.
    * Know you didn’t choose the ingredients but FYI lots of people also do organic on MD but its totally unnecessary. No nutritional or health differences, better to use your money to get more & more variety of produce.
    * Anything that contains coconut products should be on the avoid list. Coconut oil is nearly all SFAs and half of those SFAs are the one which has the worst impact on LDL, its literally the worst source of fat (I would take tallow or lard any day ahead of it). All coconut products will generally contain some of the lipids, coconut flour is 13% by weight SFA. They have proportioned this so that satfat is <0.5g which means they can say its zero on the label. For this it isn’t a big deal if you stick to the serving size but just something to keep in mind.

  3. MichelleEllyn

    If you do bake it, be sure to keep it in the fridge. Mine went off after a few days and I didn’t realize it and ate it anyway until I saw what was in the middle 🤮

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