I’ve got my oregano in a container but recently it’s been taken over by this thing that has very different leaves than oregano, I think? What is it? ! Or is it just oregano that’s immature?

by trowaway_men


  1. Greenbeastkushbreath

    I don’t know but pay attention, under your top “?”, There’s a nice oregano plant

  2. Character-Tomato-654

    [Papalo perhaps…](https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2524/3769096835_84eab0844b.jpg)
    [Porophyllum ruderale](https://www.appalachianfeet.com/2010/05/07/how-to-grow-and-use-papalo-wrecipes/)

    Papalo and Oregano are often used together in dishes.

    [Chicharron de Queso with Loroco & Guacamole](https://picaysalpica.sysco.com/recipes/chicharron-de-queso-with-loroco-guacamole)

    What type of fragrance does a leaf have when disturbed?

    I grew Papalo this last season for the first time, it was a tremendously productive plant and reached about three feet in height. I saved it’s dandelion like seeds and as a matter of fact, it’s about time I started some for my indoor herb garden!

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