
Episode 65: Greek style baked pork chops & potatoes in a lemon garlic mustard sauce

4 bone in pork chops.
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard.
½ a cup of olive oil.
4 cloves of sliced up garlic.
2 tablespoons dried oregano.
Salt and black pepper to taste.
Juice of two lemons.
1 cup dry white wine.
5 peeled potatoes cut into wedges.

For Cooking instructions, we recommend you watch or listen to the accompanying video or audio currently available on Whose Blind Life is it Anyway:


Or’ Zoe’s Blind Kitchen Corner:


Please join us, and happy cooking.


Are you ready what’s for dinner I’m hungry let’s go everybody y [Applause] yay oh gosh am I on yeah camera lights action hello everybody Welcome to an episode of Zoe’s blind kitchen corner if you need to reach me Zoe blind kitchen corner gmail.com or you can comment in

The section below if you’re watching this on YouTube or you can catch my show on Victor gu’s Channel whose blind Life Is It Anyway and he also has a Facebook page uh whose blind Life Is It Anyway Facebook page you can comment there and I will get the messages so today we are

Doing Greek and we’re doing my favorite meat which is pork we’re doing pork chops we’re going to do baked uh pork chops in the oven with potatoes Greek style very simple very easy very tasty I don’t really have anything to tell you about this recipe except that it’s delicious

So pork chops in the oven with um potatoes and a nice salad on the side okay so let’s get started we have our ingredients are not very many we have four pork chops so obviously four pork chops this recipe obviously feeds four people after pork chops are a little bit

Big I guess you can cut them in half it’s up to you bone in Fork uh Fork pork four pork chops bone in okay here I have a cup and I have two this is a stainless steel cup which comes with my drink master and we’ll talk about this

In a bit I have two tablespoons I’m using dij mustard you can use any mustard you like next here I have a glass I have half a cup of olive oil here I have um Now the recipe says one garlic clove cut into um slices I’m using four we’re Greek we love garlic

One clove of garlic is very little not Greek so Zoe’s adaptation to this recipe is extra garlic here I have 2 tablespoons of dried oregano which I brought back from Grease and the whole kitchen smells we have salt and pepper to taste here back here here I have juice of two

Lemons we love lemon juice make sure your lemons are nice and juicy and big and here I have one cup of uh dry white wine and here in the bowl back here they’re in water I have um five potatoes cut into wedges peeled and cut into

Wedges and I have them in water that’s it did I forget anything mom no no all righty so right off the bat this is a very easy recipe I have a square pan Which I’m going to need actually hold on before I do that hold on let me move

Some things out of the way we’re not going to use the potatoes right now we’re going to use everything else but I just need to kind of move everything so give me one second okay so I’ve actually showed you this gadget before I bought it on

Amazon um it’s called a drink mixer I use it to make my frappe my Greek cold coffee in the morning it’s got a long mixing part to it I’m not good at describing today anyways I’m going to put the the stainless steel cup I’ve put it

On the gadget that has our 2 tablespoons of mustard I’m going to pour in just a touch of oh yeah well you’re supposed to put it in slowly but that’s okay I poured in some olive oil and I’m going to set it to mix now while it’s doing that I’m going

To pour in the rest of it is there any more left so we we got rid of all the olive oil it’s in the mixer mixing with the um with the uh mustard I did get a little touch of olive oil on the outside it could have even been from my hands

Let’s see if it’s all mixed Mom let hold on no no needs more mixing all righty now I usually know by the sound but I’m not paying attention so I’m going to give it another mix now because I’m a little bit in a rush I don’t really care if it’s totally mixed

Because we we’re going to get Mom to check right now hold on Mom yeah okay mommy leave it leave it mommy okay there’s some mustard at the side no so when I put the mustard in the cup I banged the spoon mhm and it’s stuck to the side but it’s okay because now look what we’re going to

Do and this is why I said we have to listen for the sound okay I’m going to I’m going to grab my lemon juice and I’m going to pour a little bit in and I’m going to set it to mix again And I’m going to pour the rest of the lemon juice as Well okay good enough so now in here we mix up lemon juice um olive oil and mustard so take your pan I’ve washed my um my pork chops and I dried them with paper towels okay so pour in in to your pan some of your oil mustard mixture I have my

Wine I poured my w some of my wine most of it actually into the cup with the olive oil mustard and um olive oil mustard and lemon juice so I’m just mixing up the wine as well and I’m pouring that into the pan let’s see if there’s any wine

Left there is so I poured that into the cup as well just to get whatever is left even if there’s some mustard or whatever okay give it a mix in your pan as well so that’s my spoon that’s the noise of my spoon okay okay now add in your oregano into your Pan add in your sliced up garlic let’s give all of this a Stir okay now all we have left let me grab a paper towel hold on all we have left is our pork chocks pork chocks pork chops potatoes pork chops potatoes salt and pepper so grab a clean dinner plate pick up a pork chop put it on your dinner plate add salt sprinkle

Salt add some pepper oh she said I put too much that’s why she went I I won’t put any on the other side no e oh why there’s no salt in there Mommy this okay stop it put it in I did put too much pepper

On this one it’s okay put it in your marinade you can even put it in and turn it okay grab another pork chop where’s that paper towel now this salt shaker is is um the holes are a little bit big little bit of pepper little bit of salt I’m putting

Much less now a little bit of pepper on the other side little bit of salt again okay in it goes in and turn so now it’s got marinite on both sides grab your other your third pork chop the same thing I should have put you guys on hold while do this but it’s

Pretty quick right what is this this is pepper mhm it’s okay it’s going to go in the marinade put it in and turn it and our last pork chop so I’ve got four good okay all our pork chops so this pan fit our four per pork chops

Perfectly just going to turn them again and again and again and again so I’m just turning them and again I just want them to soak up all the get a lot of the marinate on here okay let me wash my hands well I’ll wash them in a

Second so I don’t put you guys so now all we have to do our potatoes are cut off our all our ingredients stay there all our ingredients are in the pan except for our potatoes so grab some aluminum foil this is to small but we’re going to put two pieces cover your pan

Huh this finished huh M yeah well let’s see if we can not going to let me is it trying to CU I just have a n nope we need more give me one second I just ran out of aluminum foil wouldn’t you know it oh this is the big one M wow

Okay so we’re going to cover our pan well seal it in and put this in the fridge for at least 2 hours okay if you can put it in for a little bit more that’s fine recipe says 2 hours okay 2 hours all right and just before we take it out of

The fridge we’re going to preheat our oven to 220° C which is 430° f okay so we’ll see you in a couple of hours I’m putting this in the fridge now okay guys two hours is up so I have a strainer In My Sink I’m going to dump my

Potatoes into the strainer so I dump out all the water okay I’m going to give my bowl a wipe just to get rid of most of the water I mean you’re not going to dry it completely but get rid of most of it okay I’m going to put the potatoes back

Into the empty bowl just make sure all the water is out okay I’m dumping the potatoes back into the bowl and and we’re going to add some salt and pepper to taste what’s this this is salt and we’re going to add a little bit of pepper give them a mix I’m just tossing

Them mommy you think it’s enough I think I think it’s enough enough yeah she says she thinks they’re enough I think so too by feeling them okay we no longer need our salt and pepper hold on there’s our oven I I preheated it to 430° C Yes you heard that right

4:30 so I’m going to open up our now I’m going to use new tin foil because I ripped for this one oh nice smell what I’m going to do is I just put the tin foil flat I’m going to pick up the going let I’m picking up a pork chop

And kind of shaking it to um let the excess liquid drip off just going to put them on top of each other it doesn’t matter okay all four pork chops are out of our marinade and I’m going to pick up the bowl with the potatoes and I’m going to

Dump them in to our marinade and I’m going to with my hands I’m going to mix them up with the marinade after feeding more people I guess you could put a bit more potatoes but I might increase the marinade okay just kind of make a flat spread them into and this pan fits

Perfectly my potatoes I’m going to put the pork chops on top of the potatoes now okay our potatoes are in our marinade just getting some spices that are on my hands off my hands like I said we preheated our oven to 430 now I’m going to grab new tin

Foil and this is a huge box give me one second cuz it’s very heavy little bit more give me one second I need to put this humongous package I get this at Cross Co it’s huge the size of the tin foil is perfect okay nice to nice I’m saying in Greek

That I cut I cut it perfectly so I’m sealing the pan but even though I’ve sealed the pan completely I’m going to take a knife any knife and I’m just going to make mommy how many slits three three three slits in the tin foil one

Two three I made three slits in the tin foil at the top and I didn’t even dirty the night and I’m going to put it in the oven uh sorry Mom you got to move let’s bless our food in the name of the the father and

Of the son and of the holy spirit amen wo hot hot hot lowest level of your oven the lowest rack mommy is that the middle okay our food is in the oven I’m going to set the timer for oh boy 20 minutes 2 20 minutes and we’ll be back in 20 minutes to

Uncover our pork chops and lower the temperature of our oven and I’ll tell you when we come back see you in a bit okay guys uh 20 minutes is up so I’m going to take down the temperature um to 340° fit so uh where are we 430 425

Mommy 20 15 10 5 4 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 340 mom yes see as long as you can count you can do anything even if you can’t see okay so I’m going to open up the oven and this is kind of the hard part cuz

You got to take off you know what it’s easier for me if I put it on the stove pop cuz I need to take off the um tin foil ow ow ow hot hot hot we’ll do it this way find an edge where you’re not touching the pen okay we got

It slowly cuz there is steam so just be careful you don’t TN yourself okay our tin foil is off we’ve lowered the temperature and I’m going to put it back in the oven now okay now we’re going to set the timer for 30 minutes actually so I have to turn the pork

Chops at the 15 minute Mark okay so I’m going to set It 15 minutes when the 15 minutes is up I’m going to turn them and set them for another 15 minutes and we’ll come back when it’s done see you in a bit okay guys it’s time to take our food out before I take it out let me tell you

The following so we said 20 minutes at 430° F and then 30 minutes turning your pork chops once at the 15 minute Mark at 340° 30 and 20 that’s 50 minutes 50 minutes your potatoes might not be done you might have to take your meat out if you are a

Medium rare fan or medium fan we like our me medium well we don’t like it dry but we don’t want to see blood in in it either okay so if you do your 50 minutes and you want it you want your meat cooked longer then you leave it in I

Left mine in for an extra 20 minutes turning the pork chops again so mine took 1 hour and 10 minutes but again this is a preference thing on how you like your meat so I’m going to take it out of the oven we’ve made a salad very easy meal all in one

Pan we’ve made a salad I’m going to wait for this to cool down a little bit and I’m going to serve that’s our recipe for this week very simple Greek style baked pork chops with potatoes lemon juice wine garlic oregano salt and pepper what more could you ask for

Delicious that’s it that’s all I love you guys thanks for watching and we’ll see you next week bye I am your host zoee fogos with sincere love and gratitude I thank you for watching Zoe’s blind kitchen corner

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