Started this diet in the new year, and it’s been awesome so far! I’ve always hated grocery shopping because I just get so overwhelmed. I definitely started cooking less because of that, even though it’s always been something I enjoy. But, the Mediterranean diet has made it so much easier since I feel like I have an outline of ingredients that I can make so many different things from. I threw together this salad all with everything that I’ve had leftover from the week & it was amazing so I thought I’d share!

-~5 brussel sprouts shredded
-~3 leafs Romain lettuce chopped (kale probably would’ve made this even better)
-1/4 cup quinoa (chilled)
-1/4 of a butternut squash cubed & roasted in olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, and a little turmeric (chilled)
-~5 medley cherry tomatoes diced
-~1/8th of a large red onion diced
-~1/4th of a large cucumber diced
-2 pieces of turkey bacon chopped & baked (obviously not the most med diet friendly, but I had some frozen to use up. I think it would’ve been just as good without— chopped almonds or cashews might be good substitutes)
-~1tbsp fresh dill chopped
-sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
-Dressing (I just eyeballed this but here’s my guesstimates): 1tbsp hot honey, 1tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, 1/2 of a lemon

by Fickle-Elderberry900

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