In today’s video, Season 5, Episode 31, we’ll create a Creamy Coconut Shrimp over Rice.

Download the Season 5, Episode 31-Recipe –
Creamy Coconut Shrimp over Rice

Past Season 5 Recipes
Mystic Voodoo Shrimp and Grits
Mystic Voodoo Spice
Mystic Voodoo Spice
Devil Crab-crusted Butterflied Shrimp
Cast Iron Asian-Flavored Chicken Thighs
Murray Beans or Flavored Pork-n-Beans
Lowcountry Bahamian Seafood Thermidor
Cast-Iron Hand-Shaped Buttermilk Biscuts
Bahamian Lobster and Grits
Lowcountry Boiled Peanuts
Abacos Bar and Grill’s Crayfish Fritter

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On today’s show, we create a nice little shrimp dish, a creamy coconut shrimp that we’re going to take, and we’re going to put that on top of a nice bed of rice. And you know what? That would probably be just as good on a nice bed of creamy grits.

So you’d have yourself a creamy coconut shrimp and grits. Say something to Troy. Hey, welcome to gourmet fish. I’m your host, David Murray. We got everything we need right here. So let’s go ahead and get started on our creamy coconut shrimp right now.

Let’s go ahead and get started on our creamy coconut shrimp. We’ve got all our ingredients to take a look at that right now. We get we’ve got some sugar, about half, maybe a pound, half pound of of our small shrimp. The the 60 count to a pound. 60, 80 count to a pound.

So we’ve got a nice thing of shrimp, we’ve got some buttercup, a tablespoons of butter, a little bit of smoked paprika right there. Smoked paprika. There it is. Okay, so we’ll get some oil. We got about a half onion, kind of sort of diced up.

We got a couple of cloves of garlic that we ran over the zester. We got about a quarter to a half teaspoon of ground ginger. And then right here we got well, that’s going to be what I think two teaspoons of lemon juice powder

Got about, again, another half to quarter to half teaspoon of cayenne pepper. We’ve got two teaspoons of Cajun seasoning. We got some hot sauce right here. We’ve got about eight ounces of tomatoes. The peeled, diced tomatoes. Get out the can. Don’t put a lot of that juice in there.

Just kind of just kind of strain amount. And then what I’ll do is I’ll crunch those up with a potato masher to mash my tomatoes. Anyway. And then right here we’ve got some unsweetened coconut milk that’s about eight ounces. We got some agave nectar that had just a little sweetness.

And then we have a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream and we got a little bit of basil that’s kind of kind of sort of find its way into a creamy coconut shrimp. So I tell you what. Let’s go ahead. Let’s see, I got my cast iron job and I turn that up.

Hopefully it’s not too hot. Let’s see what we got. Okay, perfect. I just kind of preheated. I want to make sure we weren’t going to have browned butter to saute our shrimp. And so anyway, we don’t want to come in here when we get that nice and melted, just like so. All right.

So while that’s kind of doing its thing, I’m going to come in here. We’re going to add our smoked paprika to our shrimp. Come in here. We’re a little bit of a salt like so. Not a lot. Not a lot, because we got a little bit of that salt in our Cajun seasoning.

Add a little bit of black pepper. Hey, we got heat and a cayenne and our our Cajun seasoning. Thank you, Dave. And now Wilson come in here and we’re just going to kind of toss these around, just like so to get them all nice and coated, just like so. And then voila.

And they go, just like that. We can cook these. Maybe a minute. It’s almost 2 minutes. Get them nice and pink. Then I’m going to take them out and then we’re going to begin getting to our creamy coconut bass. Oh, man. I tell you what, It’s been right out about 2 minutes.

I think we’re good. So let’s see. We’re going to put this guy right here because I’m sure I’m going to use you him in a minute. I’m going to come in with our slotted spoon and we’re just going to remove our little and little small shrimps, just like that. Yeah.

Making some noise. Of course. Why not? Okay. While I just like that. Now I tell you what, we’re going to we’re going to wipe this out and get ready for sweating our onions. Heck, yeah. All right, I tell you what I said, we’re just going to. We’re just going to wipe this out.

Kind of kind of, you know, not not making it nice and clean or anything, but, you know, just kind of get a little bit of that liquid out because we’re getting ready to add some more liquid. We got a what is that about a tablespoon of oil right there? Get our spoon back.

I think we’re starting to yeah, it’s doing a little dancing because we’re worried about medium heat. I’m to come in here with our onion just like so, and we’re going to sweat this down for about three, 4 minutes. Heck yeah, man. We’re getting, getting going.

And this is going to be some good stuff coming up here. I’d say probably in about 10 minutes. Heck, yeah, they are. What? Man, Those are looking good. And they smell particularly in that bitter onion, kind of sort of sweating himself down.

Now we’re going to come in and we’re going to add our our ginger, which was I believe it’s in between a quarter and a half. I don’t know what is that? Maybe a three eights, but I don’t even know if they make a 3/8 measuring spoon anyhow.

So now I’m going to come in with our, our garlic, which is about to close. I kind of like I said, I’m kind of not getting out, graded it on that Microplane put that in here now I’m going to grab our got we got three nice healthy.

Let’s see in a way for a second basil leaves going to take these and it’s going to roll them on top of themselves just like soap. And then what is that, a piece of a stem? Grab our knife. And I believe they call this a chef and odd.

And you just kind of come in here and just kind of very carefully slice this up, just like. So I’ll give it a nice little pop right in the middle. And we’re going to add this in here. It’s like, So voila.

And we’re just going to let this go for probably another 10 seconds to go. And oh, my goodness, those store smells are awesome. Heck, yeah. We need some television. Yes, we do. So we’ve got that. Now. I’m going to come in here and we’re going to add our lemon

Juice powder and our cayenne. Yes. Occasion seasoning. Come in here. What are hot sauce? I don’t know. One couple of nice dashes like so that get close to the edge. We’re going to come in and now you now you get that vinegar firmed up. Oh, you’re not losing in a hot sauce.

And I’m going to be careful. I’m going to kind of sort of back away a little bit because I’m getting hit with that spice and I’m going to come in here with our tomatoes just like so it turn that down on about a medium, medium low.

And we’re going to get some of this for about 5 minutes. Let all the flavors come out and then kind of sort of get back together. Heck yeah. Oh, man. All right. I tell you what, we’ve got That little tomato onion mixture has been simmering for three, 3 to 5 minutes.

Now, that’s closer to 5 minutes for me. But I tell you what that is. That is looking looking good and smell. And also now I’m going to come in with our unsweetened coconut. Not that stuff you make pina coladas with. So I’m going to come in. We’re going to add that.

Oh, wow. Check that out. Heck yeah. Oh, my. I’m coming here. We’re going to carefully we’re going to do this. We’ll stick this right here, carefully stir that in, and then come in here with a couple of little. Oh, that wasn’t a dish, was it?

One, too, that we were just a little bit. Well, squirts of agave nectar. And now I’m going to come in here with a little bit of just plain heavy cream. We’re going to combine this all together, and then we’re going to let

This simmer for, I’m going to say, probably five, eight, 10 minutes. I’m going to kind of I’m going to turn it up to about medium because I want to want to bring it up to a nice little a slow boy or rolling simmer. I don’t know.

Anyway, I just want to try to reduce that that liquid content down just a tad before we take our shrimp. Put them in here, take our plate, get some rice, and then top that on top of our rice. Hey, heck, yeah, that is. And it’s going to be delicious. Oh, man.

All right, I tell you what. Oh, man, that smells delicious. Has been I you know what? I gave this about 10 minutes or so and this nice nicely. Hopefully you can see that nice little nice little simmer, just a little bit of bubbles in there. And we have reduced reduce this down

A little bit sauce got a little bit of thickness to it. So I tell you what, let’s go ahead and add our shrimp. We really don’t have to do a lot to that. Sorry for the noise, but all we really need to do is just kind of sort of heat

The shrimp up and get them back to being nice and warm. And, you know, I probably should have added a little more room to worry about. It’s going to be it’s just going to be delicious. But we’re going to we let these kind of heat up for

About another minute, minute and a half, and we’re going to be ready to plate our creamy coconut shrimp over rice. All right. Wow. I think we are there. We got some nice little steam coming up over the shrimp. Ah. Oh, I do believe nice and warm.

I think we you know, I’ll leave you right there, but I think we can retire him. You know what? We got us a nice little nice little small plate right here. Heck, yeah. Got a little jasmine rice here. Kind of molded it in there. I don’t know. You can do what?

Whatever makes you happy. Got a little bit of garnish off some basil leaves. So I tell you what, let’s grab that and our garnish right there. And we’re going to come in here. We’re going to top our our jasmine rice. And again, don’t have to be jasmine rice. It can be any rice.

You would like. I just had jasmine rice. And it also kind of sort of, in my opinion, kind of goes well with that coconut unsweetened coconut milk. Suddenly come in here just like that and top this. Heck yeah. Just like so come on, let go. Yeah.

And we’ll come in here with some of our have a creamy little sauce. Yeah. Just like. So why not. Come on. You know we are wala. Heck yeah. Just like that. Well, and I tell you what, let’s see. We will do something. Bingo. Well, I just like that creamy

Coconut shrimp topped on a bed of rice. Man, that is. That is smelling delicious. Heck, yeah. Just like that. Wow. Oh, there it is right there. That is our creamy coconut shrimp. And we got it topped on jasmine rice. Delicious. Speaking of delicious. And look what I got here. I got a spoon.

Let’s get what? Let’s give this a nice little shot right here again. Not a lot. And I try not to make a mess. And let’s see what we got. A little drop drawbridge there, no problem. Wow, that that is, man. Heck, yeah. That’s delicious. I hope y’all give this a try, man.

I tell you what. Yum, yum. So for the recipe, check out the description below a link. Take you right there, download it, and then you can make your own little creamy coconut shrimp served over rice. Hey, speaking of a shrimp dish right down there, how about our voodoo shrimp and grits?

Unbelievable. That is great. And then right there, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel like comment and subscribe. It all does help. And until next time, God bless. And we’ll see you soon.

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