I follow an approved recipe for pressure canning my potatoes, but in almost every jar I have a few spuds that are sort of transparent and mushy with a watery taste and texture. Most are solid, opaque, and taste fine. They are all of the same variety and prepared at the same time. This happens every year.

In the picture these potatoes were canned in the same jar. The one on the left is fine. The one on the right is the problem. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

by mutherandsun

1 Comment

  1. sci300768

    What recipe did you use (Ball/another trusted source presumably)? If you used a safe recipe and the seal held until you opened it (and other factors kept it safe), it probably won’t be a safety issue. Just not tasty.

    As to why this happened, maybe it’s something that happened during the processing part? Not sure, other canners might know the answer to that.

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