#nonnapia #bakedziti #oldschool #italiancooking #madewithlove

Hey Nai yes you’re looking beautiful today thank you are you going to make some nice food for us today I make a beautiful dinner for you what are you making I’m going to make baked zii baked zii this is the sauce the one I make it

And I put a Cho meat in there see it’s a meat sauce now I boil them water and I cook the pasta your hands are clean you wash ah you don’t have to talk anymore all day long how many pounds of pasta you going to put in two pound e do

No no is it done yet let me tryo put it in the sink right put them in the sink this you got to see because this is the one part you got to make the D first put a little bit sauce underneath I sauce you I it’s choer meat

Yeah I love it with the meat n there’s the Ziti all right now I put a little bit more sauce got and just plop it on like that I’ll show you you don’t go light on the rotta you put it all huh hey I got to do

This you missed a spot over here yeah the whole thing of course I put a little bit you don’t cheese of course top it with the sauce I don’t want to do my hand that hot but they’re clean though right they’re clean today we use a spoon instead got

To mix this you know I want to put a little bit more more not done yet that’s a lot of cheese more cheese of course cover it up nice get it ready for the oven you better put it in I’ll put it in long we putting it

For about an hour okay 4 450 you know they got to be sticky each other big is done open up the stove let’s see beautiful this is a big zi that’s a beautiful big zi it looks so beautiful it’s all make plate look at that cheese got


  1. I love your Nonna.. she’s an angel, you’re so lucky to have her and I can tell you are her favorite grandchild

  2. Nonna you are so adorable. I long for my Italian grandma whom I loved dearly and was an amazing cook like you. God's blessings for you.

  3. We'll, you've shared her with us so i guess this means she's now our Nona Pia. I pray this sweet Lady feels all the love and support from her internet family.
    Also, now I'm craving baked ziti at 10 pm.

  4. I've never loved a stranger more than I love this beautiful Nona Pia! You are one lucky guy Antonio! 😅 ❤from Canada 🇨🇦!

  5. Nonna pia, hai fatto un piatto tipico nostro speciale. Grazie x tramandare la nostra tradizione. Un abbraccio forte e viva la Ciociaria!!!

  6. Antonio, we need Nonna Pia's apron available for purchase, please 🙏 if you could somehow incorporate her adorable face and kind eyes on the apron, I would gladly buy it in a heartbeat! ❤❤❤

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