I was just walking up some steps in Copenhagen with a couple of bottles in my backpack. i guess in all my motion my backpack came open and one bottle broke on the stairs. Made me think of other times I’ve seen or had a bottle break on me. Pic related but not of right now, this was in Santiago Costanera center where a lady was having an awful day

by Flotrane


  1. I watched some yuppie d-bag try to saber a bottle of Dom Perignon and hack the end of it off. That was very funny.

  2. Sage_Planter

    I was in a tired rush one morning trying to tidy the house before going on vacation. I had pulled a bottle or two from the wine rack to leave for my neighbor who was cat sitting while I was gone. In my cleaning haze, I somehow knocked one of the bottles of red off the counter and on to the floor. It shattered, wine and glass went everywhere. I was already stressed out, and that did not help.

  3. Revealwon

    My family used to own a wine distributor so I started working in the warehouse at age 12. I’ve seen pallets dropped several times off forklifts. Oceans of red wine!!!

  4. cummininurmuffin

    Snuck into a movie theater with a 40oz Mickeys once. Placed in on the floor under the seat next to me. My friend sat down 2 seats over. He put his hand on the empty seat between us pushing it down when he leaned over to tell me something and knocked the 40 over. It shattered with a loud pop and the entire theater smelled of malt liquor. We were thrown out shortly after.

  5. simon_kroon

    I was going to a bring your own bottle event by car. And a bottle of Hermitage Ex Voto Blanc 2012 fell over quite softly, but the neck broke immediately dumping it all over the car floor. I still had a great evening though since somebody took a Mouton Rothschild with him, so I was able to cross that one off the list.

  6. OenophileTom

    A few years back I used to work for a high end wine retailer. A semi regular high spending client came in, bought 6 bottles of Bordeaux (£50-£100 a bottle) and a 1990 Sassicaia. He walked off happily, only to come back later with a mangled bag full of glass and wine.

    Turns out the guy smashed his Sassicaia when he put it down on the floor of the car park when he was loading the other bottles in the car.

    He starts screaming for a refund or replacement bottle, more in desperation than anything else, before storming off when it was refused.

  7. acssarge555

    Literally happened on Sunday haha, bought the last 2 bottles of me and my partner’s favorite wine from work. Pulling them out of the bag and I said “would be crazy if this slipped” it did, and then the other rolled off the bed (studio vibes haha) in the commotion. That was not a great night.

  8. Cool_Cartographer_39

    We had a small drug store across from school. Even though it wasn’t allowed, I snuck over one lunch hour to get some candy. In the line behind me was a lady buying perfume. She dropped the spray bottle and it exploded all over me. I went back smelling like a fancy cathouse and got busted immediately.

  9. RedColdChiliPepper

    In my early 20s I was quite interested in wine and when my parents were away, my bother and I decided to open a bottle of red (we were the weekend at their place). I immediately knocked over 2 large glasses on a white sofa. We spent the rest of the evening cleaning

  10. castlerigger

    Had made a visit to a merchant I am only able to call in at once or twice a year that has excellent older stock. Bought a bottle of mas de daumas gassac amongst some hermitage, Bordeaux and barossa. The gassac was at least 10 or 12 years old. Drive to the hotel I was staying in, parked the car. Opened the trunk to get my bag, one of the wine bottles had fallen out of the tipped over box and rolled out onto the concrete floor. I had the slow motion ‘oh no, try to save it, flail around and fail, smash, noooooooooo’ sequence. The one that rolled out, the daumas.

  11. The_Pacific_gamer

    Sorry that this happened to you. Also this looks like a crime scene. The red wine looks like blood.

  12. Mobius_Penis

    Aperol bottle met a concrete floor. Orange everywhere. Even worse, it was during the Covid aperol shortage

  13. Had a bag of a few cheapo Spanish wines (monastrell and garnacha) and one really nice Sangiovese that I splurged on. The paper bag ripped when I removed it from the and two bottles fell out before I could secure it. I cushioned one bottle falling with the top of my foot, but the other one spun in the air like a hatchet and the neck crashed into the jamb of my car door, breaking everywhere. The latter was the expensive bottle. To make it funnier, the maintenance guy for my apartment saw the whole thing happen and had a very empathetic look in his eye.

  14. TheFuckingHippoGuy

    Had about 36 bottles on our living room table, sorting them out after a few deliveries. Nothing rare or expensive, 30-40$ range. Without any warning, one of the legs/part of the bottom of our table (was a pedestal stand) breaks and the top dives. Luckily we were standing in front of it, but we still lost 5 bottles to the floor; the rest saved by us precariously holding back with arms and legs. Quite a mess to clean up, red wine seems to be like blood.

  15. Sunbear1981

    Australia Day (think Bastille Day, July 4th etc), me a 19 year old broke student. We run out of booze. Mate and I scrounge up all our change and have enough for a bottle of rum.

    Get back from the bottle shop and start to walk up the two stairs from the footpath into the house holding the bottle around the neck. Slip and fall. The base of the bottle hits the cement floor and shatters.

    I look down, and see I am holding the neck of a shattered bottle and my hopes and dreams for the afternoon are spreading across the floor.

    Touch wood, I have not broken a bottle since.

  16. CrustyToeLover

    How does just walking open up your backpack..?

  17. CreekBeaterFishing

    I was a 28-29 YO college student, pretty broke, just enough left to buy a bottle of Shiraz I had tasted before but usually couldn’t afford. Last one on the shelf, shelled out $25 for it. The kind of purchase where I put it in my basket, looped back, put it back on the shelf, repeated that loop a few times while I bought my groceries until I decided to just buy it. Got back to my apartment, went to open the gate to the front steps, and when I shifted the grocery bag to my other hand the seam split on the bag and the bottle broke on the sidewalk. That was somewhere in the 2003-5 range. I can’t say for sure but I think it was a d’Arenberg. I just couldn’t believe I lost a bottle I was excited about and $25 that fast.

  18. joe_the_bartender

    My very first restaurant job as a busser at 18, I was clearing first course plates and silverware. Lost control of a utensil, it when right onto the side of a decanter of screaming eagle which then proceeded to tidal wave onto the host’s wife’s white silk dress.

    ….that day sucked.


    Had the movers come in the morning and after 4 hours of loading the Uhaul I had to drive 7+ to the new spot. We bought one bottle at a convenience store right before it closed. Have our third takeout meal on the table and I go get the wine from the counter and it just kerplodes.

    The double trouble of that was the only thing keeping me sane and now I also have to clean up an entire bottle’s worth of liquid and glass when I have no cleaning supplies yet was rough. Not even a fancy bottle, just like $15 but man that sucked.

  20. Diez Merito Amontillado Fino Imperial Vors. Bought at the winery, came in a wooden case, packed it in my bag along a bunch of other bottles packed in Wine Wings. The only one that broke.

  21. Bigzin142

    I was on classical music date at the Hollywood bowl. This was many years ago and you were allowed to bring in whatever food and drink you wanted. The bottle was opened and on the cement floor. I picked it up to refill our glasses during an extremely quiet passage and the bottle slipped out of my hands and shattered. We got a WTF scowl by thousands of spectators and even the conductor turned around shook his head. I have never been more embarrassed in my entire life and probably never will be.

  22. IAmPandaRock

    My wife was helping my reorganize the cellar and dropped a bottle of 1970 Vinhos Borges Porto just like 3 or so inches when the tissue paper tore. She felt so bad, but I said, “hey, 1 out of 500 [or however many at the time] bottles isn’t too bad!”

  23. lemonlimealldathyme

    Had a bottle in my backpack. I went to the dispensary after work for some bud, huge line in front and behind me, maybe two registers open. I reached the counter, unzipped my bag to grab my wallet and in a twisted turn of fate the bottom of my bag gave out and the bottle exploded on their floor. No one knew what to do. I just apologized and left making sure to keep my head down.

    (Edit: it was a mead so it was very sticky)

  24. TheAnfieldMac

    I worked in events at the Savoy hotel in London one year, whilst I had some prior hospitality experience this was different. First event was a champagne reception with bottles of Krug Grand Cuvée, I didn’t appreciate the value of that wine at the time and upon entering the room with 6 glasses; sat on a tray in a tree formation I proceeded to spill it all as I walked in. Face turned red immediately, went back into the kitchen area where the manager proceeded to thank me for helping him win £20.

  25. grapemike

    Not mine, thank goodness. We went to a huge charity wine auction with friends. He bought a twelve liter bottle that weighed a ton. We separated and they went home. He parked on their inclined driveway and the bottle rolled out, smashing at his feet. There went three-thousand dollars of promising Cabernet.

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