Just thought y’all might like to see my set up… Weber Kettle and WSM w a few mods

by Creepy_Common_6414


  1. shotty293

    How do you like the door? I was thinking about getting one for my WSM.

  2. Sirbakesalotabread

    A few mods? Bro turned a Honda into a Maybach and said just a few mods.

    I see your mods and I like them. Think I’ll go piss my wife off with a new project. Thanks.

  3. idrawinmargins

    So how much did all the mods for the WSM 22 cost you? I thought about doing it but the cost ended up more than I bought my wsm for.

  4. rooster_saucer

    ok my guy, i’m hooked.. you got a list of mods?

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