I have chronic pancreatitis and I do think my NAFLD has gotten worse even (waiting on testing) though I’m at a healthy weight now and have ate low fat for years (probably genetic). But, I saw the mediterranean diet is best for NAFLD and inflammation.

This was breakfast: 1/3 cup plan low fat Greek yogurt, 1/3 cup kind dark chocolate granola and 1/3 cup of raspberries. Only ate half wasn’t very hungry.

Snack was 2 mini cucumbers, and pickled veggies with basalmic vinegar and black pepper

Lunch forgot to snap a picture was a egg white frittata with spinich, green onions, artichoke hearts with two slices of whole wheat toast.

Dinner is going to be shrimp, tomatoes, spinich, roasted peppers and onions with tricolor quinoa.

Tonight’s snack will be 1 cup of grapes and some dark chocolate hummus.

by thehalloweenpunkin

1 Comment

  1. Estellalatte

    Looks good. It must be difficult having a chronic illness. It sure limits your choices. Best of luck to you.

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