It’s Masterclass time and one of your top requests is for me to demystify caramel. So here is 3 different kinds of caramel, broken down and explained simply. If you have any more questions, pop them down below and I’ll do my best to answer them! 🙂

You will need…
Double/Heavy cream
Sugar (I use caster sugar but granulated is ok too)
…in various quantities…watch the video 😉


MY INSTAGRAM: @cupcakejemma
CAKESTAGRAM: @crumbsanddoilies


Crumbs & Doilies
1 Kingly Court

Hello and welcome back to CND HQ and welcome back to another master class I hope you’ve been enjoying the master classes so far there is a playlist now full of them including the cookie decorating master class and how to make perfect macarons so make sure you have a

Look at those and if you haven’t subscribed already or if you new to my channel then please do subscribe and make sure you click on the notification bell so you don’t miss any of my uploads now I get asked by you guys a lot why I make certain caramels for certain

Recipes and other caramels for other recipes and it can be a bit of a minefield if you’re not quite sure what to do so this masterclass I’m going to show you three different techniques and how you can use those different caramels the first one is going to be for a wet

Caramel which is perfect for filling things and drizzling and drips and flavoring buttercream the second one is a dry caramel and I’m going to use that to make a kind of chewy caramel which is really good to put in your tray bakes and the last one is gonna be a hard

Caramel which is perfect for like nut Brittles and seed brittles and just cause sugar shots and you can use those on your cupcakes to decorate them or you can just eat it as it is now before we get started it is mega important to go through some safety stuff guys because

Sugar gets incredibly hot when you bring it to caramel temperature you definitely don’t want to be getting any of this on your skin so when you’re making caramel make sure you’ve got everything that you need ready so that you don’t have to like panic about make sure you’ve got a

Nice clear worktop so you’re not looking for space to put your hot pan down and make sure that when you’re stirring or swilling your saucepan it isn’t jumping out of it because if you get this on your skin not only will it burn you very deeply it was dry and stick it’ll be

Very difficult to get off it’s not a very nice thing to be poked by so make sure you are very very careful now a little bit about preparation so as I said before it’s very sensible to get all your ingredients ready to go not only for safety reasons but also because

The speed at which you need to do things at the end once your caramels reach the point you need it to be at can be a little bit panicked so if you’re measuring things or the answer of quite sure where stuff is then you’re gonna be really messing things up so measure all

Your ingredients out first so that it’s ready and you’re not freaking out so I’m going to start by making the wet caramel and I have a heavy-based saucepan try and find a heavy-based saucepan to use rather than like a cheap thin one because it will distribute the

Heat much more evenly and make sure your caramel and your sugar melts more evenly so I’ve got a nice big pan as well because this is going to bubble up especially the wet caramel once you put the cream in it tends to kind of bubble up and if your thoughts’ pans too small

That has a tendency to overflow you definitely don’t want that so I’m gonna start by putting my vanilla into my cream so that that is ready to go so I have 245 milliliters of double cream or heavy cream and I’m going to add a teaspoon of good quality vanilla extract

So put that to one side close by to the action where the actions going to happen and next you want to put your sugar into your saucepan I’ve got 220 grams of caster sugar and then you want to add 120 milliliters of water and give it a little swirl around

Just to make sure that it’s all evenly sort of dispersed and then you want to put that on to a medium heat to start with so it’ll take a little while to get bubbling but once it does you definitely do not want to stir this stirring can

Cause it to crystallize if that does happen to you what you’ll see is the sugar kind of clumping up and solidifying and it will stay white and you’ll be like what on earth is going on a little it’ll look like a saucepan full of sugar cubes

Don’t panic at this stage just keep it on a medium to low heat and it will eventually melt down and become caramel again so don’t worry you also might find that you get a little bit of spotting and crystallization around the edge of the pan and if you do find that you can

Just use a damp pastry brush just to wipe them away My sugar waters been bubbling away nicely and it’s starting to go a lovely amber color which is perfect we’re not using a thermometer for this because we can juice just do this by eye and once it hits that lovely amber color you want to take your pan off the heat and start

Stirring in your cream and vanilla mixture so to stop your mixture from seizing at start by putting a little bit of the cream mixture in and stirring that in before you add any more it’s kind of like your temper in the caramel bit and then when you’re satisfied that

It’s not going to be too hot you can pour the rest of the cream and mix it in really well and once you’ve stirred it all in you might want to pour it into a nice big heat proof Bowl just to help it cool down a little bit otherwise it’s

Gonna stay for hot for a really long time in the pan now whatever you do don’t put your caramel hot into the fridge to cool it down because that’s going to bring the temperature of the fridge right up which is going to make other food in your fridge be in the

Danger zone so I’d recommend leaving this at room temperature to cool down then putting it into the fridge so that you can use it for anything you like here at CND we use it to fill some of our cupcakes and we use it to drizzle on our delicious salted caramel cake

Next up I’m going to show you how to make dry caramel and this is just caramel that’s made without water like we did before and I’m going to use it to make a kind of chewy caramel which is perfect to fill chocolates with or to filtrate bakes with because it’s it

Doesn’t ooze like they were wet caramel that we just made so for this you’re going to need three hundred grams of caster sugar 100 grams of cold unsalted butter and 200 milliliters of double cream to which you need to add a teaspoon of vanilla extract now for this

Recipe eventually we’re going to need to get it to 118 degrees C so I’m going to be using a sugar thermometer sugar thermometers come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes and this is a really basic one which I find is perfect but there are electronic ones and probe

Ones that you can get just get something because it’s very difficult to estimate 118 degrees so he just by eye and so I’m going to start by putting my sugar into my pan and then start that on a medium heat Now dry caramel doesn’t have quite the same tendency to crystallize as wet caramel does so it can take a little bit of stirring and I would recommend using a wooden spoon just to draw the outside edges into the middle so that it caramelizes more evenly So we’re aiming for a nice golden amber color like we did with the wet caramel earlier and we’re not using the thermometer particularly right now because we’re going to do that by eye but I always put my thermometer in at the very beginning because you definitely don’t want to put a cold

Thermometer into very hot sugar it might damage the thermometer and once they hits a nice of golden amber color take your pan off the heat and start stirring carefully in your cream and vanilla mixture and once you’ve stirred in all your cream you can then put in your

Butter and stir that in really well as well and once you’ve mixed that all in you want to put that back onto a medium heat and this is where you need to use your thermometer because we’re going to get this over a medium heat up to 118

Degrees C any less than that and it’s not going to be chewy enough any more than that and it’s going to be too hard and once it’s back on the heat you want to keep stirring it gently so that the oils don’t separate from the cream right

That’s 118 degrees so I would recommend putting this into a bowl as well just to help it cool down a bit Whatever you’re using this for I would also recommend that you use it while it’s still quite warm otherwise it can see that become quite difficult to work with and I actually use this in my caramel corn flake brownie recipe a few weeks back so make sure you check that

Out and here at Robinson doilies we put it in pretty much all of our trade box because it is so delicious including our very famous delicious Snickers brownie lastly I’m going to show you how to make a hard caramel and this is perfect for Brittles and sugar

Shards and you can use those things to decorate cupcakes with or you can just eat them as they are and we’re gonna make some pecan nut brittle which is absolutely delicious you’re going to need 225 grams of caster sugar 60 milliliters of water 15 grams of butter

And 60 grams of lightly toasted pecan nuts now just like before I recommend getting things ready so that you don’t panic at the end so I’m going to be using a Silpat youth you don’t have one of these you can use a lightly greased baking tray and we’re going to use that

To pour our brittle on at the end and I would also recommend using a rubber spatula which is lightly greased because you’re going to use that at the end to spread out your brittle and you don’t a stick and you can make brittle with any kind of nuts or seeds and if you’re

Making it with seeds though I would say don’t bother toasting them beforehand because they’re so small this caramel will kind of toast them so now onto the caramel so put your sugar and your water into a pan give that a little swirl around just to make sure that all the

Water is distributed evenly and then put that on to a medium heat so to make this brittle we’re obviously using a wet caramel to start with so the same rules apply as before you don’t want to stir it you just want to give it a swirl

Every now and then just to make sure that it heats evenly so it’s gonna take about five or ten minutes and it’s going to bubble away and what we’re looking for is a really rich amber color almost dark actually and once it hits that color you can go in with your butter and

Give it a really good stir with a spoon and then when that’s all distributed you can put your nuts in and stir them really well as well and once all your nuts are completely coated in caramel you want to pull that onto your Silpat or your greased baking tray and just

Make sure you don’t pile it all up in the middle try and spread it out as you go so you don’t have too much work to do and now goodness sake don’t try and eat this yet because it’s mega mega hot it’s going to take about 10 or 50 minutes to

Cool down completely until it’s slappable so that is brittle done and dusted and I want you to experiment with your nuts because this is really really good with peanuts Astacio nuts really good with seeds try it with pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds it’s yummy and this is also just one of 50 recipes

In my cake book which if you haven’t got yet you should head over to cupcake German comm to get yourself one hmm super boxing gum a lot of people ask me how do you clean your pants after making caramel well it’s really really simple you want to get your pan with your

Caramel and all the utensils and I can’t don’t you care about it same time you want to get your pan with all your caramel and put all your utensils in it including your thermometer fill it with water and then bring it to the boil and

Let it bubble away for a few minutes and that will get all the caramel off or if you’ve got caramel or melted sugar on your workshop that’s quite difficult to clean but if you put a damp cloth on top and leave it for half an hour it will

Come off really easily so there you have it three different types of caramel that you can use for a variety of different recipes I hope you enjoyed that masterclass if you have any questions relating to caramel then please do pop them in the comments box below and I’ll

Do my best to answer them and if you’ve got any ideas for master classes that you would like to see next then please also put them in the comments box below and I will try and get around to them as well I’ll be back this Sunday for another baked Ilan classic recipe and

Don’t forget it’s going to be a bundt cake so it’s gonna be really really tasty I’ve put all the ingredients and the shopping list to that in my Instagram feed a couple of days ago so make sure you go and check that out at cupcakes Remer I’ll see you there at 11

A.m. bye


  1. Good instructive video. However!

    Thanks are due to Cldiiaa for PRINTING THE RECIPE.

    I watch a lot of cooking videos, and subscribe ONLY to the hosts who have the forethought, hell, the decency, to list ingredients and measurements.

    It should be simple enough to think ahead….print off the recipe in big, bold letters and numbers… and have the paper on view whilst demonstrating and yapping.

    Thanks again to Cldiiaa.

  2. The recipe I use at work calls for corn syrup as well as granulated sugar. I find that as it cools, the corn syrup separates at the bottom of the container and I'm not sure why. It's not the butter separating, it's definitely the corn syrup!

  3. Hiii good day! I would to ask, what will you recommend for me to use if im gonna mix the caramel with Italian buttercream? Should I use the wet one or dry? Thank you!

  4. How would I incorporate the dry caramel into a cookie? For example a chocolate chip cookie that I want a chewy caramel to ooze out when you bite into it.

  5. I have a few questions
    Can you use this method to make fudge? What would be different?
    Why do some recipes ask for the caramel to be boiled to a much higher temp in order to get it to set?

  6. Beautiful video, you have cleared up so many questions around caramel for me. May I please ask what brand/type of thermometer you use and the name of your induction cook top?

  7. Next, I'm going to see if you can teach me how to make divinity. I'm rather excited to find out if you've made video about it yet or not.

  8. Thank you, I love your videos! So informative! I have never seen three different types of caramel explained before. Awesome and thank you so much!

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