What’s wrong babe? You’ve hardly touched your stigmata cookies

by lambwolfram


  1. thinkingmagic

    Gotta hand it to you, these are awesome! You really nailed them!

  2. hail2pitt1985

    Great job. You bloody nailed these cookies.

  3. PsillySpirit

    Jesus Christ keep your hands off of my Jammy Dodgers.

  4. SuchANiceGirl

    Excellent work, nailed it!

    I always want to make these, but my social network isn’t of the temperament to appreciate them.

  5. smetankova

    I wish I could serve your masterpiece to my local catholics, that would be a priceless moment.

  6. That_Thing_Crawling

    On a scale of one to five, these are a five.

  7. Only me that wants to bite off every finger except the middle one…

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