EPISODE 315. Sabino and Rocco sit down with Juliah Molinari aka Jumo to talk about her emergence on social media, her Italian background, her pizza making + cooking skills, her family’s pizzeria and central jersey.

Be sure to follow Jumo here

Follow Sabino here

Follow Rocco here

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Grazie a tutti!

1:00 – Central Jersey
5:00 – Jumo getting started on TikTok
7:00 – Molinari’s & the Restaurant business
11:00 – How the Nickname ‘Jumo’ came about
13:00 – Hidden talents
16:00 – Italian roots
20:00 – Favorite pizza
26:00 – Overrated/Underrated
28:00 – Cooking at home
30:00 – Blind ranking pizza toppings
33:00 – What makes a good pizza?
38:00 – Stuffed artichokes
41:00 – New success
43:00 – What’s next

hey this is jumo and you’re now watching
growing up
Italian growing up Italian growing up
Italian growing up Italian podcast
growing up Italian growing up Italian
growing up Italian growing up Italian
growing up Italian growing up time
growing up a time growing up Italian
podcast growing up a time growing up
Italian growing up Italian podcast
growing up Italian woo
New Jersey in the building Central
Jersey Central Jersey it it really is a
thing and we every time we have a guest
from Jersey it’s like yeah really is a
thing it really is a thing or it really
isn’t a thing it’s one or the
other born and raised Central Jersey
Julie I feel like my Tik Tok feed has
literally been straight Julia content
because I’m always looking for Italian
content to post I’m growing up Italian
so I’m searching Italian and it’s like
Julia Monti Julia M jumo was a tough
critic too yeah what’s Italian I I don’t
think I featured you on the page yet on
the big page do you do you think my
videos are Italian enough yeah I mean
you’re asking your uncle for you know
instructions here and there yeah I mean
people people argue that it’s Italian
American which it is no I mean I I I
love the con I enoy yeah nothing wrong
with that I mean you know from Jersey so
yeah Central Jersey it’s nice nice you
know the other day what I had pork roll
for the first time for the first time
for first time you call pork roll wait
Taylor Ham not it’s not Taylor Ham it’s
not Taylor ham because I was in Atlantic
City and I’ve never tried it before and
I saw it on the menu so I was like let’s
take a spin at this thing so it’s
basically ham meat salami together I
don’t really know if it’s ham meat
salami how would you explain it uh I
don’t know you’re putting me on the spot
there listen I’m one for one I only had
it one time I don’t I don’t think you
can categorize it I think it’s just it’s
pork roll it’s it’s just it’s like a a
spicy ham though a little kick a little
kick what’s like not spicy but has cake
really I’ve never has a little bite to
it you know you know what some people do
that I think is so weird what they’ll
put they’ll put pork roll and they’ll
put pork roll and cream cheese on a
bagel that’s like bake I I could see
that though and cream cheese like ham
and cream cheese was a big thing oh I’ve
never heard bacon and cream cheese was a
big thing I’ve had bacon and cream
cheese fire don’t knock it until you try
it maybe not pork roll and one of the
menu items because she said that I was
going to order this but it was like
jalapeno cream cheese oh I’ve had that
egg and pork roll
so the jalapeno scared me and there was
cheddar cheese too well I mean maybe if
you think of the cream cheese more as
just like a cheese I don’t know I’m not
a big fan of egg sandwiches with cream
cheese though yeah I’ve never a time and
a place yeah that sounds gross what’s
your ideal egg sandwich then it’s going
to be the most New York answer for me
meat egg cheese yeah so it could be
sausage patty egg and cheddar or BAC I
hate how everybody’s baconing and cheese
baconing and cheese I’ve had that plenty
of times but there’s nothing wrong with
a ham egg and cheese you know or or a
sausage patty egg and cheese but meat
egg cheese wait what’s yours then uh
pork roll egg and cheese pork roll egg
and Che that’s so weird to hear like
I’ve never had a pork roll egg and
cheese in my life do do you know what a
do you know what a flagle is it’s a flat
flat Bagel yeah I get it on a flat
everything bagel that’s that’s your
go-to order no ketchup the point of the
flat bagel oh yeah yeah yeah spk spk
that’s a New York thing you really say
spk though yeah yeah my God I walk in
spk you know what you know why because
she works in the food business so she
like yeah but you know some but
sometimes they ask me they say spk and
I’m like yeah hell yeah yeah that’s
weird to say I think New Yorkers are
just exaggerated like salt pepper
ketchup say that salt pepper ketchup
that’s kidding bro bacon egg and cheese
salt pepper ketchup there’s nothing
better I’m better I’ve never said spk
though no spk is crazy you’ve never said
spk that’s too much gen Z Vibes you know
what I mean that’s not gen Z at all
that’s a ticket
writer yeah that’s what I’m saying
because you work in a pizzeria you’re
not going to write peeron you’re GNA
write pep p with or P whatever well
that’s also like me saying LOL like in
this conversation well I don’t say LOL
either no I know
but one of my buddies from Italy I guess
cuz we always type LOL he literally said
LOL one time in conversation I was like
wa that’s funny bro LOL he goes bro LOL
Bro I was like you
mean you could laugh my brother you
could laugh but back to the uh the
content now flooded on my feet how how
did that all begin because you
definitely didn’t start just with food
right no no well so um you know I’ve
always just posted Tik toks I I like
posting I like being creative and it’s
like an outlet for me but um you know I
was at Ruckers and the food at Ruckers
is horrible not to not to like knock
Ruckers all col all any college campus
food is going to be bad yeah yeah so
what I would do is on my free time free
nights I would drive back home and uh
make myself like a pizza or some lunch
or some dinner at the restaurant that’s
what I would do and um I like making
videos so one day I was just in there
making a pizza and my dad was there and
uh I made a video of me making a pizza
and it was just it was just for fun like
you know I it’s even to you know today I
do it for fun because I have so much fun
doing it but uh and the first one did
well it didn’t do that well but I just
kept posting them and uh eventually it
just started picking up how long have
you been posting on social media like
with with pizza content oh I’d say since
uh end of November I think but it didn’t
really it didn’t really become a thing
until like January wow yeah that’s
that’s not a lot of time at all I was
thinking about this the other day and I
don’t think I’ve seen this level of
somebody being viral like in the Italian
Community Especial in the Italian
Community especially besides K besides
kou you’re you know qcp arguably but
that blow up has been insane it’s like I
told I was like yo we need this girl on
the podcast I appreciate it first and
foremost your content’s great I I love
that you’re learning a word and then
cooking it like how do you say this
chicken scarpello okay scarp my D real
quick yeah you your dad or your uncle
you know helping you out with the
Italian yeah and then your editing is
funny too because it’s like sped up it’s
not even like normal speed yeah well you
know what’s funny is like I make a bunch
of little cuts and uh and cuz the videos
are you know normally over 10 minutes
long damn and then I make a bunch of
little cuts put them together and then
to make it go even faster I’ll put it on
1.1 speed oh that’s what it is okay
that’s how you lose some time right a
littleit yeah exactly because I have
like too many clips that I want in it it
changes your voice a little bit though
no like it actually it doesn’t make it
higher but it it almost adds like an
effect to it because me when I do
that it changes my voice like high
pitched yeah when I when I try to do
that for myself yeah I try to do it just
enough where people don’t realize that
it’s sped up but it’s you know so that
is a family Pizzeria I’m assuming right
do I feel like you never plug it though
like what’s going on with that well no I
mean they got
givec got give you a percentage right
yeah yeah no no yeah got honestly know
you she’s doing it right I’ve been
plugging it in and I got nothing on
Paper 20 years yeah we’ll uh we’ll have
to we’ll have to cut a
deal got no but I mean nice check pops
come on yeah yeah for sure uh probably
start plugging it a little bit yeah no
but what I want to say is you could be
at just some random Pizzeria nobody
would know but I’m assuming it’s one D
you know I’m not just taking over yeah
exactly exactly and you know the kitchen
is like I feel like it’s like your
kitchen now yeah it is yeah is it that’s
my space yeah when is it like content
time do you have a set hours or is it
like no it’s just really when the Pizza
Station isn’t being used like you know
at closing typic all right that’s enough
dad do you ever get do you ever get
frustrated Rush Hour she’s like I got to
make video working 12 hours then she
shows up like yeah no I’ve kept him
there till like 2: in the morning oh my
God but uh but it’s not just pizza
content like you’re making a lot of
pizzas obviously that’s your specialty
that’s my that’s my specialty because
that’s what I started off doing but um
even at home I’ve been doing some yeah
so you made some tiu at home yeah yeah I
made like lasagna and uh you know
pastina meatballs I make a lot of pasta
from scratch homemade yeah homemade
pasta I think I think that’s another
thing you’re probably making a lot of
guys fall in love when you know like oh
my God she’s she can cook that’s like
automatically we see we see a girl cook
it right away like oh my God the girl of
my dreams I’m going to marry her M I’m
going to marry it yeah but I don’t know
I’ve just kind of been cooking my whole
life like being in the restaurant like
so basically uh you know my parents were
always working all the time so there was
you know I had to go to the restaurant
cuz you know I wasn’t being watched at
home and uh that’s where you know I
mainly learned a lot you observed from
your parents who were just cooking in
the back and then I guess naturally it
came to you yeah it just naturally
that’s like me and Sabino probably
behind the deli you know with the with
the grill I used to make egg sandwiches
but I used to watch my dad do it and
then I started whipping it up you know
child labor was definitely it’s F
because like they never really taught me
how to turn on the the grill yeah and I
opened up like one Sunday and I put the
grill on too high and all of a sudden I
put the oil and like a fire started
there goes your eyebrows and I just
threw water and it made it worse I
thought it was going to burn down the
whole store but no one taught me and I
finally got it down that’s where your
hair went that’s yeah that’s why I lost
hair you guys are laugh a little too you
guys are laugh a little too hard at
that I had to I had to he had that save
30010 episodes he he was waiting for
that like but yeah that’s you that’s how
it happened that’s how my hairline went
back yeah but uh yeah so it’s funny
because we learn but we don’t really
learn so so we jump into it you know
yeah it’s a lot of like from experience
you know yeah lot got to learn the hard
way a lot well I love how we still
didn’t mention the pizzeria’s name
oh all right so it’s a you want me to
negotiate it for you yeah I’m neoti are
you worried that people are going to
come in and like bombard you like yeah
okay so wait I could see why though so
then let’s just keep it as it is then
you know well yeah I mean of course I
want people to come in you know I
appreciate everyone that does come in
but uh you know
back at o00 actually I actually just
recently got um a gift sent to the
restaurant oh it was a phone stand wow
yeah that’s nice CU my phone falls a lot
that’s St full that’s nice was that was
just a random gift that just yeah just
random how did they they figure it out
from the background of your videos yeah
it’s a little scary that’s
wild yeah but she doesn’t even mention
anything that’s the craziest part I’m
sure I’m sure that there is a lot of
people that do
yeah it’s a small town in Jersey right
well the the restaurants in Neptune
which I don’t know it’s like kind of by
asbery yeah Neptune City it’s by asbery
Park which isn’t really ni that small
like a lot of people know Asbury Park
yeah of course but um yeah well I think
also people know my name like Julie
malari they look a malari malar’s
restaurant so I was telling you before
that nickname’s fire though jumo jumo
yeah you thought of that or somebody
gave it to you so actually funny story
before Tik Tok was even a thing on my
radar um I’ve been a dancer my whole
life I’ve always danced um that’s always
been like my number one thing that I’ve
done and uh at my studio there was a lot
of juliia and the you know there was me
and then there’s one other girl we’re
both named Julia and so in order to
differentiate ourselves when uh you know
people were saying Julia you know in
order to know who they were talking to
um I was jumo because Julie Mo like J Mo
so I dance everyone called me jumo I me
just stuck yeah so then when I was
creating like a Tik to handle I was just
like Julie moar was already taken right
so I just use J Mo that’s crazy like I’m
glad she did that not the real Julie Mo
yeah I hate a lot of people do real
Julia molinar or Molinaro Molinari
molari yeah okayi Molinari yeah like
nobody’s gonna have that problem with me
and Sabino like my username is no
problem rockoo like who the hell
somebody has Sabino I’m mad about that
well Sabino yeah that’s like her wanting
Julia there’s no way like that handle
Julia there’s no way that you’ll be able
to get that that would be sick that’s on
your bucket list yeah some guy from
Brazil I message him sometimes change it
hey I’ll sell you a
thousand they speak Portuguese in Brazil
right yeah yeah so you gotta learn some
Portuguese yeah what does that mean
Portu thank you thank you thank you
brother right on brother SI so anything
that off the camera that you like to do
besides dancing and you know well mainly
dancing but also I really love art and
drawing and painting m that’s like a
little you know hobby that’s a little
hobby yeah uhhuh I do that a lot are you
you have are you talented like i’ say I
would love to trying to say is it
abstract art or yeah no it’s not you
know like St that’s like I could do
stick figures and stuff you know I
specialize no no like I I I think I was
I was actually pretty good because when
I was in high school and even when I was
in elementary school whenever we would
do drawings for like a class the teacher
would always keep mine you were that St
that’s how you know I was like you know
D so you are talented then naturally
naturally you know I wish that’s one
thing I always want to do was be able to
draw I just yeah I mean anyone can draw
no I can’t I realize I’m not good at
anything I can’t draw I can’t write I
can’t sing I’m not really I’m not
talented you know there a special place
for everybody that has talent you know
I’m always I was always jealous of that
you’re good talker not being able to
sing yeah you’re good at talking you can
make S you can make uh deli sandwiches
yeah he’s a good Deli boy I’d rather be
able to sing you know maybe you should
anybody could anybody could uh you know
make a sandwich you know what’s funny I
I disagree with that sandwich is the
easiest food to make no come on if I
said to somebody make easier to make it
a sandwich is cereal if you think about
it what else is easier than that but but
you know what there’s a lot of people
that don’t even know how to cook an egg
that’s especially being like going away
to college and meeting all the other
young people they don’t even know how to
cook an egg or boiling egg yeah boiling
egg that’s I mean if you don’t a boiling
egg that’s crazy some people don’t
that’s crazy to me or like cooked pasta
like you just drop it in pasta and eggs
are like cooking boiling egg and cooking
pasta should be the same level I think a
lot of people get tricked out with the
sauce because making a sauce from
scratch is harder than just boiling
seven minutes like you could just put a
timer seven minutes yeah boom done
what’s your speaking of sauce what’s
your favorite type of sauce my favorite
type of
sauce I got to go with like a good
marinara yeah yeah but like in general
like on a pasta marinara on a Pizza
marinara obviously yeah but I mean like
I what why are you saying no getting the
I made it yesterday but no you always
get something different the rest oh well
oh well yeah yeah like like I mean I
always trade like I don’t I shouldn’t
say I really have a favorite because
there’s so many that I like so many um
but I’m always changing it up I like
little Alfredo you get Alfredo yeah
little Alfredo carbonara yeah carbonara
fire how do you make carbonara cuz
that’s like a big TR oh yeah I know how
to make car you with the egg you make it
with the egg yeah yeah you it’s just
it’s the egg yolk not theegg and you you
whisk it in with some cheese yeah with
some like peino parmesan what do you
better peino Romano that’s what we use
the resturant yeah I remember a lot like
growing up a lot of places I didn’t know
like the real carbonado with the egg
until like seeing these videos because I
used to see all the restaurants like use
whip like the cream no you no no you
never put cream carbonara that’s a lot
of people do no no you never and with
bacon instead of like ponet too no lot
of people do I don’t agree with it but I
can’t lie and say I didn’t never saw it
before yeah then you get older and now
you know I think we have a complex when
we post on social media because angry
Italians are just waiting for us like in
the bushes do you look at our the
comments sometimes my
uncle he’s always calling me a stupid
American oh my God that’s yeah nice
nice so speaking of Italian now you got
to talk to us about your roots what’s
your Ro yeah what’s your background here
so uh most of my you know family comes
from CA in Italy and uh um I’m third
generation Italian so my
great-grandparents came over here some
of them what was it Brooklyn
bellhurst Benson B yeah that’s a new
um yeah yeah Queens um so C region yeah
because looking at your videos yeah
you’re you’re we actually spoke off
camera your on your mother’s side Lana
yeah at Lana which is like a half hour
from my parents Hometown wow so you know
we’re pans pretty much you know what I
mean that’s a big city in compa Believe
It or Not Ian I’ve never been but cuz
there all little Hills so def go visit
I’m planning on going hopefully in a
month awesome next month I want to go
awesome I hope you do better do it am
experience during the tourist season
yeah yeah right before tour Seas I want
the and I want like the local experience
you know you’ll get it you’ll get it
over there yeah in that era you have
like at salak conselina then like the
that’s like 30 minutes from the beaches
but you have like sapri bodle it’s all
there like you just rent the car and go
crazy well the reason I say that like
I’m asking for your background is
because you don’t really post that like
you’re Italian backgr yeah no like I
don’t see an Italian flag in your bi I
should I one right is looking rock is
looking for it he’s like no no no no
it’s just because I’m like okay I’m G to
take a shot she the last name bro even
if you weren’t Italian I wanted you on
the podcast because you’re basic you’re
in a pizzeria doesn’t get more Italian
than that your last name is Molina so
it’s like my chances were you know that
you’re in town yeah yeah yeah no
absolutely you got mad
followers address that
well what’s crazy for us is uh when we
saw your page like you didn’t do any
collabs or any podcast or anybody yet I
haven’t done anything so that’s why for
us when we see something like that we’re
like this is great because we kind of
get the exclusive like your story for
the first time yeah because there’s so
much stuff people don’t know yeah so I
guess I guess that’s why we’re here
today first podcast it’s amazing I was
telling I love when it’s the first time
that we have somebody that you know it’s
their first ever appearance on aast
podcast happy to be here no you’re
natural you came to the right place all
right yeah Sal you yeah that’s it you’re
natural you know no nerves I like that
what what do you think is something your
followers want to know that they don’t
that’s a great question that’s a loaded
question maybe um you know where I can
get a fresh Quality Pizza with the
freshest ingredients I’m talking like
homemade dough beino Romano graded
in-house of course where
cuz and these cold fire pizza and wings
that cold fire is at the heart of who
they are oh they’re that spot that’s
located all in the Northeast and they
have a bunch in Florida right y man I
love when you have a good recommendation
for once Crispy Crunchy Savory and sweet
order what you want on Uber Eats listen
guys from now to the end of the year
December 31st on the Uber Eats app you
go to Anthony sanini shop and you get a
nice $25 off when you use the copini how
to use the copini terms apply C app for
details we’re very excited to announce a
long-term partnership with the SoDo
gromia out from Australia these guys got
a really really interesting restaurant
DeSoto has a very interesting story so
their first generation Italian
Australians they’re basically Us in
Australia the zodo was created in their
parents and grandparents honor so that
they can pay their legacy forward 100%
of their proceeds goes to people in need
Charities and the Arts do SoDo will be
supporting us this year so you know the
content is going to be even better bro
and who knows maybe at some point we’re
going to have to take a trip down on
that huh I was always curious how the
Italian Australians made food it’s time
we find
out your personal favorite kind of pizza
my personal favorite kind of
pizza I’ve really and I I I don’t think
this is a talent but I that’s fine this
is the kind of answer I I really I
really like a good grandma pizza oh
that’s yeah yeah yeah like I love a good
are you a corner side or middle person
in the side I don’t like I don’t like
the full corner but I like an edge
across okay so we actually will get
along perfectly then I love the corner
cor he’s a big middle guy guy psychopath
and then you’re aside so we could have a
nice Pizza together absolutely I roll it
like a taco and just go like this with
the middle side yeah nice sauce
drenching everywhere Soggy Bottom
nothing says good pizza like soggy
what’s your opinion on like chicken
bacon ranch pizza and uh you know crazy
slices like the Philly cheese steak
slices I mean and Waffle slices that’s
crazy uh I mean personally I’ve never
gone to a pizzeria and ordered a crazy
slice um I like a good traditional you
know pizza with one topping like a
pepperoni yeah but um or not even you
just cheese and sauce but you know I did
do a chicken vodka Parn Pizza once fire
which it was yeah yeah that sounds
amazing so no it was good it I made it
yeah chicken vodka parm is the most
trendy thing in an Italian American spot
yeah so true and I’ve seen it it’s crazy
because I grew up in a family business
too and I remember the first time I’ve
never seen anyone sell a chicken vodka
sandwich until I made it and I’m not
trying to sound like that guy wow but I
didn’t see it anywhere else no that’s
true I agree with you 100% like I never
saw it and the funny thing is the first
time we made it we put bacon on it too I
was like no this is too much so then we
started taking off the bacon so the
chicken a par I never saw anyone make it
until we started selling and it had to
be 15 years ago 12 years ago something
like that one day we’ll see on Wikipedia
Sabino CIO found the chicken vodka
sandwich but you know people get my my
buddy New York Nico he has like a crazy
following and in his bio say unofficial
Town Scout of New York and one time he
recorded me I said the same thing about
avocado on sandwiches that you started
avocado sandwich I never seen an avocado
sandwich before me that’s all I’m going
to say avoc that might be a crazy taste
I’ll give you the chicken P but the
avocado you know what I saw I saw a
hamburger where the avocado was the bun
that’s crazy like avocado top but I
don’t even know how with sesame seeds
like that’s like yeah I’ve seen that
that’s just like if you like grab that
you’re going to indent your fingers yeah
avocado yeah you’re going get like
avocado in your
fingernails how do you feel about like
some of these food trends like crazy
stuff like that like is there really a
place for it I think there’s a place for
in like an entertainment aspect like
stunt food I’m talking about stunt food
yeah like food that’s just made for
camera you ever see the videos that
react to where it’s like somebody’s
purposely making like a peanut butter
jelly with spaghetti and meatballs and
oh they’re like it’s purpos they’re
actually they’re not going to eat it you
know what I mean like Nutella meatballs
who’s who’s making Nutella meatballs you
know what I mean like when you see
videos like that do you enjoy them they
they’re like acting serious about
they’re like they’re pretending me I
think that’s crazy yeah yeah you know
what you know you know what I think is
crazy this might be like an unpopular
opinion but have you know how like it’s
a big thing to put pasta on Pizza like
the like the Pena vodka slice I hate
that I think that’s crazy cuz I feel
like carbs on carbs yeah carbs on carbs
and I feel like the pizza is a vessel
for like the cheese and the sauce and
the pasta is a vessel for the cheese and
the sauce what’s the point of do you
guys sell that at the pizzeria no not
allowed he’s never allow that
no our buddy Nikki C you ever seen Nikki
cass’s videos he plays a character that
he’s like a pizza man and and then he
has like another character that’s a a
bagel guy but the pizza guy specifically
he gets a towel and you see him like
pretending he’s making the pizza you’re
going to see all these guys now and then
yeah now that we’re mentioning all this
cash only sign he’s like he’s in his
mom’s kitchen we should we should show
her slice is always sold out by the way
exactly that that’s the point of my
story so he plays like two characters
pull pull it up rock yeah he plays two
characters and one of the characters
always gets mad that the ZD sells quick
it’s like you got to know the ZD goes
quick the ZD goes quick so it’s so
funny because even us downstairs we know
that some food might not be the most
traditional but it sells it sells so who
cares you know if it sells it sells but
yeah I I think Rock’s goingon to pull up
a video just so you can see uh our buddy
Nikki Cass all right Frank take it easy
oh I know this guy
well this not the Z
one okay what my no
good dad’s laughing a little too hard at
this you get home just leave it out on
the table don’t do nothing else don’t
put it in the fridge until you’re ready
to use it just leave it out okay got it
he’s the best he’s using a towel to to
do that sounds like every guy in my
family shut it uh cash only though not
this is a time like cash only there’s
ATM across the street they charge
3% that you probably also own the
ATM oh speaking of pizza Julia let’s
have a little fun here okay all right we
do a little segment on the show hey oh
are you done sometimes not all the time
it’s called overrated underrated or
perfectly rated okay have you are you
familiar a little bit okay I’m going to
give you a type of pizza you tell me
what where it is underrated or perfect
in New York we say a New York slice in
Jersey what do you you say New Jersey
slice like like you just say regular a
slice well we we say a plain slice a
plain slice like a plain slice okay so
where do you rank a plain slice of
pizza perfectly why because I feel like
no one’s no one’s knocking the plane
slice but it’s a great slice you know
everyone’s getting a plain slice okay
you know go to staple yeah yeah it’s a
good staple and I don’t feel like it’s
overhyped or underhyped so I feel like
it’s it’s perfect where it is yeah yeah
okay well well that also depends on like
where it’s from you know yeah you know
I’ve had I’ve had a plain slice that
tastes like cardboard but then I’ve had
a plain slice that’s you know M ours
Heavenly there you go pops there it is
we’re going to we’re we’re going to send
Pops to
invoice all right next one a sicilian
slice underrated
uh there’s just nothing like it at least
that I’ve had like you know that thick
crust and you
know it’s got like nice chw to it yeah
it’s got a nice chew yeah yeah yeah you
can like you fill up off of like you
know less so you can like not less but
like you don’t need to buy like three
slices you know yeah yeah and you know
it like lasts longer in your mouth
that’s a value play right there it’s
moreing yeah yeah it’s like it’s very
like satisfactory right right and last
one a margarita slice I’m talking
Neapolitan style underrated absolutely
underrated underrated absolutely I think
I think a Neapolitan Margarita is like
the best pizza you can get I love a good
I mean of course that that’s also
relative to where you get it from but
especially if it’s in like a wood fired
oven you know slaps yeah so good it
really is the best yeah although the the
thing about neapolitan pizza a lot of
people go for that you know you know
pizza that’s stable like it like it’s
like you know you hold it and it doesn’t
flop like no flop Pizza you’re talking
about poro style yeah yeah yeah yeah
like a Porto style pizza but a
neapolitan pizza is supposed to have
flop to it you know like it’s but you
see Italians like eat with a fork in a
yeah exactly e with a fork KN and I
don’t think that takes away from it I
think that’s just a different style of
pizza so I think a lot of people think
oh you know it’s got flop you know can’t
hold it up like it’s socked pizza right
but it is a good pizza that is the
cleanest Pizza though it’s just flour
water straight to the point and not over
overwhelmed with cheese yeah the grease
isn’t everywhere yeah you taste all the
flavors know you know have a whole you
taste them like it’s meant to be that
you have this whole yeah you know this
amount versus like just three you know
like one two right right right you’re
meant to have this by yourself yeah well
that’s a good thing you bring up how
many slices you think you could have in
one sitting kind of pizza regular pizza
like a regular like New York like eight
slices Triangle Well actually I’ve I’ve
eaten a whole pie by myself yeah it’s
supp be so cool to be a girl and be able
to say like yeah God to me to be like
what a fat
bastard you really need to be on the
wall of course you won the challenge for
her it’s like wow no I I I felt so
amazing but I’d say typically if I’m
like going to like get a slice of pizza
from a pizzia m I’d say like like two
slices okay but also like when you when
you go to a pizzeria the slices are
bigger you know but if I’m like going to
a restaurant again like you know yeah
like three slices do you usually have
like a are you a big eater you have a
big appetite I have big eyes okay yeah
always yeah if you’re hungry you order
like everything right oh yeah uh or or
like when I’m home like CU I cook a lot
of my own food I’ll make like four
separate meals because I’m like well if
I get bored of that one I need to eat
this one and and and I’m going to eat
this one too fast so I need to have this
one a little variety yeah I I need the
variety so I’ll make like four different
meals and then it’ll end up like sitting
on the stove all day
screaming you come home to nice
meals yeah yeah it’s been good I’m like
what are you making tonight yeah well I
got six options for you
Dad all right so we’re gonna play
another game now it’s we’re goingon to
Blind rank some pizza toppings so I’m
going to give you one and one to five
you tell me where you would put it on
that list five being best one being
worst five uh five being worst oh five
being the worst one being the best cuz
it’s number one oh okay I was thinking
like stars like five stars one star no
no no like your ranking number one is
this to Power Rankings yeah yeah uh
first one is
pepperoni three right in the middle well
yeah right in the middle because I I
like I like pepperoni on pizza but I
would always go for like soap or sad on
Pizza first okay but you never know if
that’s going to be an option’s never
giving you that one you don’t know if
that’s going to be an option my yeah no
no no I mean you you could be right you
could be wrong olives too
two above pepperoni I like she has no
chice put four for oh oh oh oh oh okay
are you happy with that answer you good
with to it’s the second favorite right
now Rocco loves this kind of content
because he’s like he knows how
controversial it is well well I might I
might have to readjust no you can’t it’s
locked in it’s blind ranking she could
change from two to
four right now you can pepperoni is
locked in all right I’ll change olives
to four okay okay I feel like I changed
your decision now yeah no no just keep
all right yeah no no it’s fine it’s fine
keeping it at four or keeping at two I’m
not going to say peep the rest of this
all right you seen this right yeah okay
sausage five oh your least favorite
least favorite why I just uh I’m not a
big fan of sausage but you like soaad
you said love so but it’s different
right I don’t like I don’t like the
fennel seed and sausage yeah I see AG
piz agree a th% on that yeah okay so
right now we have three pepperoni four
olives five well we got we better pray
for two bangers right now right Mary
right now Max one is mushrooms are you
me there’s no way this is the biggest
sneak attack in history there’s no way
wait till you see the last one you see
the last
one is not deserve number two wait so I
don’t have a choice it’s going to have
to go there I feel like the next one’s
going to be like really bad yeah it is
and last but not least and coming at
number one pineapple
baby how’s that for a top
five Rocco Rocco is literally like he
set this podcast up and he said this is
going to be my clip he just knew what he
wanted right so that’s your unofficial
one what’s your official of those five
my my give me your best toppings for you
oh like should I rank like top five best
no you don’t have to rank them just
whatever you like the most
I I love peppers and onions oh okay I
love soap obviously yeah that’s number
one for me by far yeah
um I love basil and I don’t know if
you’d consider that toping but like you
know that’s mandat little garnish
garnish do you eat the you actually like
eat the basil though yeah I don’t take
it off really I take it off yeah when I
see that I like I see it on my cute yeah
um oh I I really love eggplant on Pizza
actually okay feel like that’s good like
a little heavy for me the egg like fried
eggplant not even fried just like really
thinly sliced oh grilled like grilled
with oil vinegar type with garlic yeah
you just you you you slice it thin and
you put it on the pizza and uh you do
you drizzle some olive oil and salt on
top of it and it goes right in the woodf
fired oven 350° 15 minutes no that’s
probably going to burn it right no no no
actually the wood fire do is what like 5
560 560 yeah like 600 yeah Cooks in like
two seconds yeah so you you must have
been making
pizzas cuz I see that that that motion
that’s not like oh I just started making
pizza no that’s technique yeah that that
takes a can I learn how to do that yeah
I feel like that’s like a talent right
there because when I do pizza at home
I’ll get pizza though at a pizzeria like
all right it’s game time baby I’ll do it
and that thing is not moving it’s like
you have to put flower all over right
you you mean to make the to make it I
want to stretch it like I’m trying to
stretch it so the tray you got to put
flour on it got you need the flour yeah
and then uh and then when I go to put it
on the pizza peel so I can you
knowen maybe maybe Julie could give us a
step byep of how to make pizza at the
house if you really wanted the house oh
homemade yeah homemade pizza yeah so not
so not at the restaurant at the house
like yeah let’s say there’s some you
know hipster that’s trying to make his
own pizza at home right right right
what’s the step by step of how to do
that why hipster I do that well we were
talking about hipsters with Eric last
week oh yeah yeah naturally naturally
now we might as well all right so yeah
how does somebody at home make pizza uh
well it starts with a good pizza dough
good ingredients is like key you need
good ingredients you know don’t go don’t
go to the store and get like Pillsbury
pizza dough you know you why it’s pretty
good no I’ve done that before the taste
delicious no craft parmesan cheese on
top you’re killing me right now I’m
kidding you think I actually do that
maybe yeah um but yeah a lot of flour
because you don’t want it because you
want it you got to be able to stretch it
you don’t want to make it too thick I
feel like a lot of people make when
they’re stretching out pizza dough they
make it too thick you can’t do that you
got to stretch it out nicely which you
need to have a lot of flour to do that
so it doesn’t stick everywhere and then
uh what would you say like like what are
those things
called what oh yeah of course yeah it’s
got to be room temperature it’s got to
be room temperature shout to Nikki cash
don’t put it in the fridge don’t put it
any that actually might be why I’ve been
slacking a little bit would you use cold
dough cold dough that thing was not
moving no that makes sense yeah you got
let it so room temperature though don’t
you need some kind of like plate to put
it on like a certain kind of uh what’s
that called like that tray well I mean
some people have like a pizza stone yes
yeah that’s what it is that’s what it is
a pizza stone but you could also put it
on what what’s it called it’s just like
a screen yeah yeah you could also just
get like a pizza screen it’s like a
little mous screen that you like put on
put it in the oven um so what’s the
temperature and the time the technique
is obviously I’d say hot hard to learn
well let’s talk about the sauce when
does the sauce go on like you’re making
that you you stret you stretch out the
pizza and you put it on your screen
right right and if you’re if you’re if
you if you’re at like a pizzeria you’d
put like semolina down so it doesn’t
stick to the pizza peel but if you’re at
home you just flour put it on the screen
and once you’re all stretched out then
you put your sauce on okay so you don’t
wait till like the Dough’s cooked a
little bit you just throw it right on no
you throw it right on okay you know you
don’t when does the cheese go on after
the sauce oh so that’s I’ll be no
because my nana used to do this and n’s
going to kill me if she hears this but I
don’t know if it was the dough it’s like
the sauce was dried out the cheese was
like she put after after the dough was
cook enough maybe I don’t know and uh
but like she would put the cheese after
like 10 minutes that the sauce was on
there because heard that I guess has to
be hot was don’t kill me none
of I’m sorry but yeah it was a weird
technique that’s why I’m curious to how
it’s actually done what I’m more Curious
to ask is if you’re home
and you don’t have the access to the
pizza sauce what do you what kind of
tomatoes are do you use like fresh
tomato s on the tomatoes yeah just like
crush them up and just crush them up
with your hands got to be Caputo flour
right yeah got to be I see that’s always
in your videos like gu that’s how you
know it’s good pizza it’s got to be
Caputo flour zero to be high heat yeah
okay like what so yeah what temperature
in there usually at least 650 oh my God
a lot of house no conventional ovens are
not going to do that so wait at home
what temperature that like 500 500 yeah
yeah as hot as it ghost yeah you want it
hot you want it hot turn it up baby turn
it up you you’ll dry there go sabino’s
beard Yep lose piece by piece over here
so 500° Sauce Cheese at the same time as
the do at the same time everything top
how long in there until it’s done so you
just eye eyeball it you can’t walk away
yeah you stare at the pizza stare at the
pizza okay can’t walk away from is that
how you cook you just like stare at the
stare at it all right
yeah yeah we got very intimidating you
got to turn it a couple times to you
ever see that Meme it’s like me waiting
for the food to cook in the oven it’s
it’s like me looking at like this when
you’re starving what what are some of
the foods that you really enjoy making
besides well obviously I love making
pizza um honestly I just love cooking
anything like uh oh you know what like
one of my favorite things to cook I I’ve
never did this on video though but
stuffed artichokes oh yeah that would go
viral instantly I’ve seen those videos
all the time that’s a big Sicilian thing
right might Rial
overrated no then you’ve never had a
good stuff you got no food it’s just
yeah bread crumbs in
like I know what he’s doing zoom in zo
in yeah I never forget this is
embarrassing four years ago I had
stuffed AR choke for the first time I
was eating the stem
yeah I was like you E I think you said
this on a podcast one did I but anyways
I was eating I was like this is good
this is good like cuz it was at uh my
in-law’s house and they’re like oh how
is the AR choke oh this is great yeah
it’s good it’s good and and I didn’t
realize I was not supposed to chew it
it’s I don’t like doing it
the you know what I mean yeah I’m not a
fan cuz I I like I like meat on the bone
you know what I mean you’re not you’re
not getting a lot of bang for your buck
there I just I think that I think that
if you have a really good stuff out a
choke it’s like life changing life
changing yeah but you know the best part
is when you finish all the leaves and
then you get to the middle and you get
past that like what’s it called the
choke like the yeah and then you
get and then you get the heart of it
yeah and then you got to save some of
like the breadcrumb from like the Le
yeah that’s the softest part right yeah
that you could just devour you don’t
have to yeah but the important thing is
that you got to save some of like the
you got to like put some of the
breadcrumbs off the side before so you
got to plan the saving the breadcrumbs L
of time the Finish Line the Finish Line
sounds like a lot of work F no it’s
worth it and then and then you take the
choke off and then you you have your
heart and you put the breadcrumbs and
the cheese and the stuffing and stuff on
top of the heart and you just eat it
like that yeah I mean it is good but
it’s just a lot of work you know sounds
like a like a opposite stuffed mushroom
like a stuff mushrooms are great I love
a good stuffed mushroom my Grandma makes
the best stuff mushrooms yeah those are
so good I could eat like 15 of those no
problem it’s like a than b clams big on
that oh yeah yeah you you make like
fried karti you ever do the never made
fried Camari but I get at the restaurant
a lot that’s got to be like nice and hot
to enjoy you can’t really order kti out
I feel let’s talk about like how
everyone around you is um responding to
your social media success what’s that
like like the people in like my
immediate circle your immediate circle
that know you since before you know you
had this crazy following and they just
think it’s I mean it’s funny you know
it’s it’s it’s hasn’t really changed
much that you know I’m Just Pizza girl
now uh but uh do people recognize you
say you’re the pizza girl and stuff like
that yeah sometimes yeah I’ve gotten a
few pictures and is that weird to you or
yeah yeah it’s definitely weird because
I mean I’ve I’ve always cooked and I’ve
always like made pizzas the only
difference is that now I’m filming it
but um yeah it is that’s definitely like
weird because you because it’s like you
don’t you don’t think it’s real it’s
just like a number and then when people
actually recognize it you’re like oh my
gosh yeah you’re you’re on to something
you’re on to something people actually
seen my videos yeah I mean a lot of
people too it’s not but you’re doing
I mean the numbers are real you know
numbers don’t lie you know what I mean
if you have a million views on something
it’s a million people or whatever like
it’s a lot of people that seen it
anybody like been hating on you since
like anybody change on you that’s always
my favorite question to ask because the
people on the way up are yeah no you
definitely like you know you lose some
yeah yeah for sure right a lot of
envious people out there yeah you don’t
seem to have that problem the real one
stick around yeah absolutely that is
funny though cuz if I had a friend that
just became viral out of nowhere and not
that this is out of nowhere been doing
this for a little while it’s just these
videos have been like picking up steam
so much like yo what the hell what the
hell is this guy doing but I would I
would try and find a way to like you
know be supportive Abol it’s important
to always do that so be happy for your
friends and your family yeah Abol how’s
the family taking it um pretty good yeah
yeah supportive yeah everyone’s
supportive yeah everyone dooves it it’s
great you know just cooking like Italian
foods yeah do they see like anything
special in what you’re doing like cuz I
was speaking to you before I’m like yeah
I just make pizza you know me mean well
yeah I mean pizza and Italian food yeah
but I but I mean I I think there’s a
little more creativity like that goes
into that like it’s not just cooking
like it’s creativity editing like there
is time that goes into it it’s more time
editing than it is actually absolutely
yeah it’s true so true that’s probably
one of the worst Parts about it all
where do you see this
going what’s what’s the ultimate goal
ultimate goal it’s super early to even
ask this question but where do you see
yourself in five years five years
hopefully that’s that’s such like a
interview question yeah like I just
Googled interview question yeah that’s
the number one one they give you but I
am curious to where you want it to go
though well I definitely want to um I
want to make it known that cooking
doesn’t have to be so hard you know that
uh it doesn’t have to you know you can
there’s so many simple recipes out there
that you know young people are people
that don’t think they know how to cook
and cook you just have to follow a
recipe you know so I want to
um put that out there like you know more
recipes more just maybe like a little
like cooking show like you know I could
definitely see you doing that for sure
you have a great personality too I I can
see easily like a you featured on a
cooking show I could see you on like a
reality TV show you know your energy is
very contagious so keep doing what
you’re doing so happy for your success
thank you for being here you and Dad oh
thank you for having me appreciate you
guys making the drive out and hopefully
we’ll do this again you know you’re not
too big by then you know yeah no no inv
me back remember the little people yeah
but thank you so much for coming on
thank you thank you for having me take
care guys


  1. as an Italian, even if you said that bacon goes into carbonara instead of guanciale, so according to tradition I should have insulted you with every possible Italian swear word, I won't do it, this podcast is too good

  2. Turkey egg & Cheese on a bagel with mayo and a banana nutriment !!!! IYKYK
    Bklyn, East New York/Crown Heights….
    Saludos to the whole Growing up Italian crew! Yous have the best show on YouTube

  3. Does anybody actually know the factual history of carbonara? Cause everyone seems to think the ingredients, cooking method, and recipe is set in stone. But all I find is controversy over that going back to the 50s.

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