My previous 65% loaf was actually 69% after adding my levain so here's a real 65% hydration open crumb! Turned out even better than the last one imo.


Cotswold premium white flour: 400g
Water: 240g
Levain: 100g
Salt: 8.5g

autolyse flour and water overnight
Incorporate levain and salt
Strengthen with stretch and folds
4 coils over 4 hours
Bulk for 6 hours (more importantly until 75% rise with internal 21C)
No preshape, delicately shape
Cold retard 20 hours
Bake covered w steam 240C 20 mins, uncovered until dark dark dark

by Tiddlywinksrus


  1. Looks stunning!

    How much would you say the total rise is from flour and water to fully risen shaped dough?

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