I bought this 5 days ago, and it’s been in my fridge. Worried it started to go bad. Pack date is 5/8 and sell by is 5/9

by hogomojojo


  1. FateTheGM

    Ground beef turna brown when exposed to air. Give er a wiff.

  2. cracked-tumbleweed

    Smell it. Ground beef can brown like that but still be good. If it smells rancid, toss it. If it just smells beefy, cook it.

  3. bancroft79

    I would chuck it. I generally keep ground beef in the freezer unless I know I have a use for it within the next day or two.

  4. Shake1979

    Soak it in vinegar overnight than drain and cook it. Your welcome because that’s what your great grandparents would have done

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