I’ve got a delicious no mayo plant based potato salad for you today. Take this one to your outdoor gatherings this summer. Nobody is going to turn this stuff down. Let me help you get started on a whole food plant based diet.

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My Raw Vegan Recipes: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091NMRKQV

Email: rawtropicalliving@gmail.com
Instagram: Jack Albritton rawtropicalliving

Hey There YouTube I’m in the kitchen today and I’ve got something I just made that I definitely want to share with you now this was something that I saw I don’t even remember where I saw it I saw it sometime last week maybe on Instagram or somewhere where I was uh flipping through some stuff with the plant-based stuff and I saw uh no mayo um potato salad and I saw that it had avocado in it and I filed that away in my brain and um this week I’m like man that sounds good I want to give that a try so what I did is and like I say I don’t try to I try to be transparent all my recipes are basically just hacks of different things that I see out there so what I did was is I went to Google and I typed in vegan potato salad with avocado vegan no mayo vegan potato salad and um uh I came up with several ones and what I did and I do this often when I see have something that I’m trying to piece together I went to several of several different recipes and I just noticed what were the common things people were using and I notice some things like no I don’t think I want that or that doesn’t really sound good to me so uh anyhow this is what I just threw together and I just taste it a little actually I’m going to let this um I just finished making this but I’m going to let it sit in the refrigerator before I eat it I won’t eat this until tomorrow and it’s only going to get better but I can tell I like the taste so excuse me what do I have in this I’ve got half of an avocado um a SL now let me start with the beginning let me start with the potatoes first of all I steamed about a pound of these little golden potatoes I don’t know if they’re the Yukon potatoes but they’re little small um golden potatoes I you only want to steam them long enough to where they’re tender with your fork you don’t want to get them like mushy or whatever after you do that um I put mine in a bowl and I left them in the refrigerator for half hour or so just to let them cool off and so they wouldn’t cook anymore and also it’s e it’s easier to mix this stuff up when they cooled off a little bit when the potatoes were done or when I pul took the potatoes out I sliced I kind of just chop cut them into quarters more or less so you’ve got like potatoes about like this kind of cut into quarters you can cut but you can do whatever consistency you want then a separate Bowl I mixed up a half of an avocado um a slice of chopped Red Onion a tablespoon of lemon juice um a tablespoon of uh I use spicy brown mustard or I use some with some horseraddish in it I think this one I’m going to try obviously I’m going to make this again and I think the next time I will have a little uh Dijon in there I think that would add like really just the perfect taste then I had some fresh deal and I chopped up a whole bunch of it I probably I don’t know kind of a double handful handful and a half uh sprinkled a little paprika and added a tablespoon of water to that now what I did was is like I didn’t beat that up like you know you would like a dressing or whatever I just kind of mashed all that stuff together worked it together where it was still you know mixed in very well but it was kind of rough and then I just mixed that in with my potatoes I tossed it gently a little bit you know you know you don’t want to beat it up you don’t want you don’t want like mashed potato salad and it turned out pretty well if I do say so and like I say I T it’s only going to get better I tasted just a little bite of it um because my potatoes I didn’t actually wasn’t able to leave them in there a full 30 minutes so they still weren’t completely cool cold or whatever but this is just going to settle in overnight this is going to be some really good stuff so anyhow it’s as simple as that you’re probably going to be going to events this summer people might ask you over to a barbecue you know barbecue around the pool events outside picnics good thing about this stuff is you can carry to this to the picnic and not worry too much the bad thing about regular potato salad with mayonnaise in there is that thing is on a is a ticking Time Bomb the minute you get it out of refrigeration and that’s where people get a sick a lot by potato salad because it’s been left outside and it gets contaminated so anyhow hope you guys enjoy this one if you give it a try let me know what you think and I will see you here again real soon peace


  1. looks good! 🥔🥑
    Potatoes also sweet potatoes with Avocado are a really good combo 👌😊

  2. Boiled potatoes, avocado, red onion, lemon juice, spicy brown mustard, chopped dill, paprika and tbs spoon of water. Looks delicious! I can’t wait to make it myself. I’m enjoying your videos. Keep them coming.

  3. I'll definitely be making this, sounds so tasty! Thank you for sharing another fantastic recipe!

  4. This sounds very good. That's exactly how I search for a recipe I want. I hardly ever find the perfect one, sometimes because I'm missing an ingredient or because I want a different one, so I make a compendium.

  5. Happy Friday Jack! We must share a frequency! Honestly I was thinking a Vegan potato salad would be good now and through summer. I turned on YouTube and there you were with Vegan Potato Salad. I’m truly grateful that I found your channel. I’ve been vegetarian for a few years and at 64: my practices have changed. I practice Somatic Yoga and Transcendental Meditation. The dairy no longer agrees so I decided to go plant based. I’m a retired school teacher so I’m not fond of labels. They are restrictive for me. I call myself plant based and I’m being far more successful. You’ve really helped me transition and I thank you. ✌️

  6. I'm the same way about recipes, I hardly ever follow them as written. I follow the principle that make it work, but add in or sub out what I prefer or have on hand, and I never have everything! I'll definitely try this one though… but already feeling compelled to add my homemade easy oat yogurt! LOL! Thanks Jack, I love your laid back style.

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