These salted caramel pretzel bites are the perfect combination of sweet and salty. I love the crunch too! So simple and easy to make.

Thanks for watching! – Miss Annie





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#missannieshomeandkitchen #missannie #strongereveryday #icandohardthings #easyrecipes #simplemealideas #simplerecipes #saltedcaramel #saltedcaramelpretzelbark

I love this time of year I love everything with caramel and apples and so I’m going to be actually making Salted Caramel Pretzel bark today and I think it’s going to be wonderful and delicious so this is what we need to do is you’re going to get your pan prepared and I lined mine with some parchment paper and then you’re going to take a whole bag of semisweet chocolate chips and we’re going to put these in my little glass microwavable bowl and we’re going to put this in the microwave for 2 minutes and we’re going to get these all melted all right so we put it in the microwave for two minutes but at one minute I stopped and stirred it and then it was in there another minute and so then we stirred it again and then I put it back in for about 15 seconds just to make sure that it was all melted so now what you do is you’re just going to put it on your parchment paper we’re just going to get it all out okay don’t want to leave any of that chocolate behind that is good stuff okay and we’re going to spread this out remember we’re making a bark oops spread this out all right I’m trying to get it to the edge but not too close to the edge I want it to be not real thin but thin enough okay I think that is going to do it then what you do is we’re going to just take I’m going to take these pretzels and I’m going to press it into the chocolate and you’re just going to press and it doesn’t really matter how you do it it doesn’t have to be perfectly lined up but you want to press it in because remember we’re going to be breaking this up oh my goodness I wish you guys were here it would taste I would share okay so this is the first layer and now what I’m going to do is I’m just going to little just set this aside and let it cool a little bit and the next thing you do is you take these caramel bits now you can buy a bag of caramel and unwrap each one but when I saw these I was like I’m totally going to do this just to make it easier so you add these caramel bits the whole entire bag and then what you need is like two tablespoons of cream um or milk you can also do that but I’ve got cream and so I’m going to do one two tablespoons and then we’re going to put this in the microwave for about two minutes so we’ll microwave it for a minute then we’ll stir it after a minute put put it back in and then we’ll see if it is melted now this is after 2 minutes and as you can see the caramel has gotten really bubbly and it’s melted this is perfect this exactly what you want it to look like so now all you do is you’re just going to pour this whole thing over the top and I’m trying to see what’s the best way so that you guys can see look how yummy that looks got to get all that in there that looks you can’t leave that behind or as darl says that’s the best part because you get to lick it all right so then you’re just going to spread this around over the top of those pretzels in the chocolate and then we’re just going to add some sea salt to the top of this just a little bit and we’re going to let it cool and break it up I’m trying to make sure that we get these um pretzels covered you kind of want to these on the end just try to work that caramel over okay I think that’s good okay and then I’ve got this sea salt and so I’m so that I can just kind of gauge how much salt is really coming out instead of just shaking it out even though it has that I just am going to take a couple little pinches and put it over the top just a little bit and then we’re just going to let that cool and we’ll be back okay everybody I forgot to put chocolate and drizzle it on the top of this sweet little bark and so what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna put I forgot to save some chocolate actually so I’m gonna add just a little bit of chocolate chips and we’re going to microwave this for probably about 30 seconds to a minute and then stir it around and as soon as it’s nice and melted I’ll be right back okay friends so I have microwaved the chocolate chips for about 2 minutes and it’s just nice and melted in the office we don’t have any shortening I could add that and it would be just it would make it so it’s I’m able to drizzle it with a spoon but since I don’t have any shortening here what we’re going to do is we’re going to take just a little zipl bag and I’m going to cut the end just a little bit on the corner right here okay and then what I’m going to do is I’m just going to put my chocolate in here and and I’m just going to let the air out oh was a little warm it surprised me and then I’m just going to drizzle it back and forth like this of course this is totally optional but we wanted it to look pretty so you can do this and then you can come back and go across like this no Rhyme or Reason to it and there you go so we’re going to let this cool and then we’re going to come back and we’re going to break it up and then we’re going to try it we’ve let this cool and we put it actually in the freezer to let it cool um so if you need to speed up the process you can do that and now what I’m going to do is I’m going to cut this and I’m going to leave it on the parchment paper you can break it up with your hands but the caramel tends to be just a little bit sticky so you just cut it and I need a bigger knife but this is going to work I think actually let me cut it this way if I had a bigger knife it would work but look at this piece right here I’m going to take a bite to this you guys this is delicious sweet and salty so good I hope you try this um please like and share our videos we appreciate that so so much and I just want to remind you to be stronger every day and do hard things


  1. I used exactly the pretzels, 0:39 chocolate chips and caramels you suggested. Froze overnight. This morning the caramel is still too sticky to cut easily.
    Any suggestions to harden the caramel??

  2. Couldn't you have at the very least made the caramel because you don't really know what's in the ingredients but I've noticed that bakers are very much like doctors, don't care what is in the pills or ingredients, so long as it resembles whatever it is you're trying to pawn off on people. By the way do you know that the only ingredients TUMORS feed off of is SUGAR?

  3. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I am definitely going to try this! This will be great for Christmas gift giving as well. Merry Christmas Annie!

  4. Homemade salted caramel is also extremely easy to make and inexpensive. And it can be used for so many different things, including ice cream topping !!!!!!

  5. Very sticky after I cut them and put them in the container they stuck together in the refrigerator in one big lump. Had frozen them to cut. Not worth the time .

  6. I’m going to follow you recipe and top it with roasted chopped pecans. I bought 2 bags of the Carmel chips at Aldi, earlier last month because I hadn’t seen them sold in stores before. Thank you for giving me something to do with them. Great demo! You are the queen of sweets! What’s your favorite appetizer demo(s)?

  7. For people in other countries can you tell us what is the weight of the choc chips etc that you are using. In UK our chocolate chips are in very small bags.

  8. Best recipe for this I have ever seen and it looks easier to make too as you've done it upside down next to all the other videos I have seen
    Thank you for this Annie………….. liked shared to my Facebook and subscribed for all notifications xx Jean from Scotland.

  9. Best thing ever I've made it probably 10 times for Xmas it's gone before you know it big hit with everyone 🥰

  10. DO NOT USE EMF TO WARM YOUR FOOD, PUT IT IN A PAN OF WATER LIKE A DOUBLE BOILER. I WISH MICROWAVES WE NEVER INVENTED! I threw out my microwave 15 years ago and will never look back ❤

  11. I wonder if the pretzels have enough salt without having to add more salt! How about adding crushed nuts, or a little coconut,

  12. I will definitely be making this next fall! Simple yet it looks so good! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

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