I planted these 3 trays a few weeks ago and they started sprouting last week or so. I left the lids on to keep the birds and squirrels away and came back a few days later to that was growing starting to wilt. Did I leave the lid on too long and the plants got too much heat? Can these plants be salvaged? I do realize the dirt is a little dry, that might also be a factor too. 😬😬

by sweetncheeky


  1. 1. You left the lid on. Outside plants (in the sun) don’t need that, it gets too hot. Lids are just used to retain moisture to help with germination, you remove them as soon as you see the seeds sprouting.

    2. Looks like a squash or cucumber. While some people start those in trays and transplant, you might want to try a bigger cell. They don’t really like their roots disturbed, and they grow very quickly.

    Could be a combination of heat damage and being root bound already.

  2. FishlockRoadblock

    No lid and outside: heeey, you’re hardening the plants! 🌱

    Lid and outside: whoops, it’s a tiny oven for plants! 🥵

  3. Illustrious_Dust_0

    I sow squash and cucumber directly. They get huge really fast and don’t like to be moved

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