Bounty from the farmers market. Beets, kohlrabi, greens, herbs.

by mgfreema


  1. 2 lbs kohlrabi with greens
    1 onion
    2 cloves garlic
    1/3 c dill
    1/4 cloves parsley
    3 eggs
    4 oz feta
    Phyllo (I used 5-6 sheets, recipe called for 12)
    Olive oil

    Blanch greens, roughly chop.

    Grate peeled kohlrabi.

    Sautee onion, add garlic, then kohlrabi. Cook until some color develops. Add in greens and herbs. Take off heat, add salt and pepper to taste.

    Mix eggs and feta. Add in kohlrabi mixture.

    Layer your phyllo in the bottom of a 9-10 inch pan or pie dish, brush between each layer with olive oil. Add in filling, cover the top with the phyllo sheets (should work to use the ones on the bottom and fold the extra across).

    375F for 50 min.

  2. Fudgeygooeygoodness

    Yum! Thank you for posting the recipe too

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