So this is my favorite salad ever ! I make it everyday for work and wanted to share as it is super easy to make and tastes amazing.

-peppers red, orange or yellow whichever


-chick peas


-Red onion


-tomatoes ( I usually add them but was using what's left in the fridge.

Dressing- I try to avoid store bought now, and got the recipe for it here. Olive oil always evoo, fresh squeezed lemon , salt and pepper to taste but super light on the salt. Oregano and fresh parsley. I like to add a bit of balsamic vinegar too.

Goes great with hummus and pita , another good alternative is spread hummus on the pita, lay some salad on it and add some chicken or seasoned beans for some texture.

by 8inchesofcheese


  1. CollectedMosaic

    Yum! How do you think berries would be if added?

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