Next time, only one patty per bun. Two gets unwieldy. Also, only one slice of cheese per bun, not two. The gun was all soppy by the time I went to town.

Still ate it ofc

by leblaun


  1. Nordicdba

    Good thing you posted that here and not in the cheese subreddit

  2. rootbeerfan69

    Omg I’m not shitting for a week just looking at this.

  3. rootbeerfan69

    It looks great though. The onions make it look very tasty

  4. asdfasdfasdf22222222

    🤷‍♂️ Looks great to me but I like cheese

  5. frostycanuck89

    I agree OP this thing looks fucked… There is such a thing as finding a balance with ingredients to make great food. Some people think they’re doing you a favour by loading it like crazy.

  6. Consistent-Plane7227

    It’s a rough lesson we all have to learn the hard way

  7. karl_the_slob

    This looks like ai to me, because it is too perfect

  8. Really? Then you should post a picture demonstration that, and not this glorious mass of deliciousness.

  9. Buffalo-Reaper716

    I want any food I eat to be in proportion. Having some monster burger that you can’t even take a bite out of with it falling apart, and making a mess does not appeal to me.

  10. schwarta77

    So I think those burgers that get doused in cheese sauce (bun included) are a total joke.

    This on the other hand is a serious cheese burger.

    I’d eat this and enjoy it.

  11. ComprehensiveSafety3

    No burger should have that much cheese.

  12. Aromatic_Brother

    gonna look that way coming out too, lel

  13. Repulsive-Office-796

    I got a SOUTH PARK: THE END OF OBESITY add on this post….seems about right

  14. I get it. I grilled a double cheeseburger burger the other day using thick cut cheddar for each patty. Decided way too much cheese. Not too much meat, mind you, but too much cheese.

  15. btcbulletsbullion

    Pick it up and shake it. What falls of is a side dish

  16. TankApprehensive3053

    Wait till you encounter the cheese smothered burger. Those are an idiot idea that needs to go away.

  17. DrBeardish

    A fiber drink can help that process through your system.

  18. Legal-Possibility-39

    Maybe it’s type of cheese? Might need some experimenting with different brands/different types of cheese

  19. farm_to_nug

    That burger looks like it’s wearing a flowing dress

  20. TronHero143

    It looks like a party melt without the Texas Toast

  21. Background-Action-19

    That’s a burger? I thought someone stuck a durian between 2 buns.

  22. pissjug1000

    Let’s just take shots of melted cheese! Fuck it!

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