247 calorie Tex Mex inspired air fried potato with salsa

by theotherchase

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  1. theotherchase

    This is one of my favorite post from a year ago. (credit to u/hillsthatis )

    >247 calories is for everything on the plate. Potato had 58% of interior scooped out – see notes for calculations.

    >tex mex corn and black bean salsa

    >Makes 6 cups (used 1 cup in potato)

    >92 g corn 110 g red onion 278 g black beans 60 g jalapeno 235 g tomatoes 125 g yellow bell pepper salsa dressing

    >½ tsp cumin ½ tsp chili powder ¼ cup apple cider vinegar 1 to 3 T sweetener of choice (I used allulose, add a little or a lot depending on taste) 1 tsp vegan chicken salt (or optionally garlic + onion powder + salt) 2 T lime juice 1 tsp oil Dressing will taste very tart on its own, but when you add it to the veggies it tastes balanced.

    >I air-fried potatoes using a convection oven and prepped them with with salt/black pepper/garlic powder rub. For this one, scooped out 58% of insides. Filled with 1 cup of salsa and 23 grams of avocado plus scallions and cilantro.

    >If you want to shorten cook time you can microwave potatoes for a few minutes before air frying.

    >You can use scooped out potato for cauli mash, potato salad, or other side.

    >How to calculate cals for scooped out potatoes:

    >1 weigh raw potato

    >weigh potato after baking

    >weigh potato after scooping out interior

    >calculate cals for original raw potato (261 cals, in my example)

    >multiply the percent of potato remaining after scooping out times original cals to get final calories (.42 x 261 = 109.6 cals)

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