$2 single $3 double RED ROCK SALOON MADISON Wi

by Coyote-Savage


  1. ermahglerbo

    Dang I’d get like 3 to go after eating that

  2. megaeggplantkiller

    wtf! tell me your stella was at least $15 a pint or i am going to lose it cause i’m getting ripped off!

  3. Sirtopofhat

    4 dollars? You might just have to move into the storage room

  4. FinsfaninRI

    No one believes is was $4.

    Looks good though.

  5. Quote__Unquote

    Just shy of a 3 hour drive for me, guess I better get on my way

  6. TheHolyHolyGoof

    A $4 single seems like a deal nowadays….nice

  7. Toss_Away_93

    Dude, I can’t even get that kind of deal that the grocery store…

  8. Western_Maybe_2159

    I knew this was a bar in the Midwest instantly

  9. Is this a one night a week special or everyday price? Either way, it’s still a great deal.

  10. HortoBurns

    2 beers plus a triple for $10…fuck..Don’t get better then that!

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