I did everything right and I’m proud of my layers, I spread the frangipane mix at the end to avoid messiness. But they all came out flat, I’m really disappointed, they taste great but wish they would’ve risen up more in the oven.

by DridnkSh7ot2_74-0


  1. Garconavecunreve

    Id be quite suprised if swirls bake out as croissant crescents in the first place

  2. Intelligent_Host_582

    Why do they look tastier than a regular croissant, tho? 🤣 I’d still eat the hell out of these!

  3. Wannabe-Washedlol

    Call me crazy butttt I lowkey think these look FIRE

  4. maplehazel

    It looks like the butter wasn’t cold enough and leaked out. You can clearly see the layers though so still a good job! Just keep it all colder next time and you’ll be golden. 👌

  5. imnoneofthese

    Looks like you didn’t allow them to proof long enough

  6. CatfromLongIsland

    Those crunchy bits look yummy. But if you want to repurpose them- how about a bread pudding?

  7. Any-Brain-6068

    These look sooooo yummy!! Take out ‘failed’ cause they look like a W to me!

  8. Professional-Bat4635

    As long as it tastes good, nothing is a fail. Except for that one loaf of bread I made that had the density of a brick. 

  9. ctsforthewin

    I would totally eat that, I’d just pick out the raisins😛

  10. MillHoodz_Finest

    i will take them and dispose of them for you…

  11. Pangybangydangy

    One good thing about failing I’ve found is you usually learn something. At least you get to eat a delicious whoops 😉

  12. ankitakandade

    They are indeed the stepping stones to success!

  13. sassypantalones76

    I think they look fun! I’d for sure give it a whirl with a coffee!

  14. Kat-a-strophy

    The most important thing is, that they taste good. I think they looked good too. Not croissant-y, but good.

  15. Head_Pangolin_6123

    You may be on to creating a new trend. Fabulous bake!

  16. MrMosh024

    That is not a failure, that is a happy accident. Also, it all looks the same once it hits your stomach.

  17. The proper answer is that you made pastry with croissant dough. Still acceptable and tasty.

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