Hellmann’s Mayo: Jar vs Bottle Showdown
How to Buy the Best Store Bought Mayo and Flavor it Like a Pro

00:00 Intro
00:33 Hellmann’s Jar vs Bottle
02:42 Kraft vs Cains vs Hellmann’s
04:11 Flavored Mayo

Everything in these recipes is to taste. No need to measure. The mayo I use is Hellmann’s from a jar.

Cilantro Lime Mayo:
1/2 cup (100g) mayo
1/4 tsp garlic grated on a microplane zester
Zest of half a lime
2 tsp lime juice
2 Tbsp minced cilantro
Some chili product to taste (optional)
Salt to taste

Smoky Mayo:
1/2 cup (100g) mayo
1/4 tsp garlic grated on a microplane zester
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp smoked paprika
Some chili product to taste (optional)
Salt to taste

Balsamic Miso Mayo:
1/2 cup (100g) mayo
1/4 tsp garlic grated on a microplane zester
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 tsp miso (I use white)
Salt to taste

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So eventually this video gets appetizing it ends with luscious Creations like these but first we need to talk about Mayo I never thought I would use the term gaslighting in a video before but helmet leaves me no choice you see these two products based on the packaging and the ingredients you’d expect them to be the same that’s what Helman wants you to believe but they are definitely not the same today we’re taking a deep dive into the world of store bought Mayo okay so here’s what happened recently I was at castco and they were sold out of my go-to helman’s Mayo in a jar the only option was the squeeze bottle I really needed Mayo so I thought sure why not it’s the same thing in a different package when I tasted the mayoo from the bottle I had a hard time believing that this could possibly be the same product it had a completely different flavor profile I would call it repulsive but of course taste is very subjective the ingredients look the same but since one of them is natural flavors there is no reason why these flavors couldn’t be different unfortunately I can’t demonstrate this flavor difference to you in a video but at least I can demonstrate the texture a cup of helman’s mayo from a jar weighs only 200 g a cup of helman’s mayo from a bottle weighs 226 G I tried weighing it both by shaking it out of the bottle without putting it through the tiny squeeze hole and by squeezing it through the hole and it’s still 226 G this means that this may from the bottle is denser I just can’t imagine why a company would do that I’m fully aware of beauty companies creating multiple brands of soaps or shampoos to make it look like you have a choice when they’re all basically the same thing but I haven’t seen it the other way around when a company tells you it’s their signature product when it’s actually different sure Coke does that in different countries to appeal to different markets but both of these males are sold in the same store just to make sure helmet didn’t change all their Mayo I waited for the Mayo in a jar to be back in stock before making this video I am glad to report that it’s still the same helmets I’ve been using for the past 30 years out of curiosity I decided to try two other big brands of mayo craft and Canes here is how they compare to helmets in a jar both craft and Canes were creamier and sweeter than helmet they were also not nearly as neutral craft ingredients contain onion garlic and paprika it was definitely the most complex of the three mayos K’s was very creamy and very fruity which is not surprising since one of the ingredients is appleside the vinegar if you want to dunk a spoon into a jar and take a leg craft and Canes would probably beat helments in a taste test but here’s why that’s misleading I don’t know of any situation in which I would use Mayo as is to me Mayo is just a MiFi oil it’s a texture base that I can flavor any which way I want I tried my simplest possible mix of mayo lemon juice donon mustard and salt with all four mayos that I had on hand Helman andr was a clear winner craft and Canes tasted already flavored and those flavors were impossible to mask they weren’t terrible flavors but not what I was looking for for I was hoping that my own flavorings could make helmet in a bottle addable but nothing I threw at it worked its own awfulness shown right through I have 100 G of helmet in each jar or about a half a cup and we’ll turn them into three different flavors all of them will get some garlic grated on a microplane zester I find that grating it this way is really important a garlic press doesn’t break it down nearly as finely one large clove will be enough for all these jars it really doesn’t take much the first jar will become cilantro lime Mayo most of the lime Aroma is in the zest and I’ll grate it on the microplan zester too make sure to only add the green and not the bitter white pth two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lime juice will give our Mayo more Zin and more aroma a couple of tablespoons of minced cilantro and some chili paste I’m using a Lebanese red pepper paste for its gentle heat but you can use any hot sauce give it all a mix and taste for salt I find helmet well seasoned out of the jar but once I increase the acidity with lime juice I need more salt as well this is a very tasty Mayo to serve with any sort of seafood like shrimp or fish cakes but it makes a wicked good chicken sandwiches as well our second jar will become a smokey Mayo it will need 2 teaspoons of lemon juice one teaspoon of smoked paprika and a pinch of salt my smoked paprika is completely not spicy so I’ll add a tiny bit of that Lebanese red pepper paste this is one of my favorite sauces for roasted potatoes or sweet potato fries and our third jar will become a balsamic M Mayo we’ll need one teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and two teaspoons of white miso though any miso will work as long as it’s smooth give it all a mix and taste for salt mine needed just a pinch this is my favorite Mayo to smear on a Brio bun with a burger in real life I never measure any of these ingredients I just add a little of this and a little bit of that until it tastes right one thing I want to point out is the incredible texture of these flavored mayos out of a jar helmond is a bit jiggly it’s not smooth and creamy like other mayos but this extra viscosity is what makes the addition of liquid ingredients like lemon or lime juice possible without making it too thin I know that I’ll get comments on this video telling me how far superior homemade Mayo is I’ve been blissfully ignoring this kinds of comments for over 10 years but no more recently I made homemade mayil and something terrible happened don’t worry my May msfi perfectly the problem I’ve encountered is of a completely different nature caught me completely by surprise but that we’ll have to wait till the next video when we’ll take a deep dive into the world of homemade Mayo here are more thought-provoking culinary videos for you to check out and if you are ever in the Boston area maybe I’ll see you in one of my [Music] classes


  1. To all the people who quoted me as saying "only hellmann's is bland enough for me". You folks are seriously confused about what "bland" means. Hellmann's is not bland. Bland is food that's lacking salt or acidity. Those are tastes. Hellmann's is not lacking anything in the taste department. It's lacking in the aroma department, which is a good thing. This way I can give it my own aromas. Fresh garlic will smell so much better than the garlic powder that Kraft puts in. Fresh lemon juice will smell so much better than pasteurized lemon juice. I realize that most people use the terms like "flavor" and "blandness" to refer to both the smell and the taste, but if you don't untangle smell from taste, you'll never have any control in the kitchen.

  2. I also noticed that Hellman’s is more yellow than white… I just recently had a jar of Hellmann’s and Kraft next to each other, I thought that something was wrong with the Hellmann’s because of the color so I had to go to the grocery store and see if they all look like that …

  3. I absolutely HATE it when a youtuber I previously enjoyed releases a nearly eight minute long advertisement. I'm going to toss out the hellman's mayo I have and never get it again. Unsubscribed. Ghoul.

  4. Jar Hellmans is whipped in the US! In the UK they dont this and the taste is identical for squeezy/jar. I assume the added air affects the taste. Personally I think the whipped leaves a strange feeling in the mouth.

  5. All store-bought mayo sucks major ass. MAJOR ASS! All of it, except Kewpie. Kewpie is as good as home-made.

  6. I've been told that it is ok to leave Hellman's mayo out of the refrigerator, but only the squeeze-bottle version, not the jar. So they must be different. (This is important to me because I don't have a refrigerator.)

  7. Make your mayo!! It's so cheap and easy and tastes amazing.

    This product was made cheaper hence the taste and density difference. It's based on soybean oil which is highly inflammatory.

    Just my 2cents

  8. Hellman's East of the Rocky Mountains / Best Foods West of the Rocky Mountains…..same company, different product. Now make a video about that. Other than humidity and elevation, I cannot figure out what they have done to it to change it. I have tried Hellman's and it does not taste the same (both in a plastic jar) as Best Foods. Kraft is just…disgusting.

  9. I used Dukes Mayo in everything I make. It's the only one that is full bodied enough for my liking. Also, we use Kewpie for certain ones as well.

  10. Regarding Hellman's mayonnaise, I agree with you. It is different. A couple of thoughts I've had. Hellman's (Best Foods) switched from glass to plastic containers a few years back. When mayonnaise is on sale, I buy several jars. Plastic is permeable, and I found that the resulting product is not shelf stable. It will become rancid. I complained to Hellman's about this, and their reply was that they had received many positive comments about the plastic jars. I now store my extra jars in the fridge.
    Squeeze bottles have a higher ratio of surface area to product, possibly resulting in faster spoilage.

  11. Also, ingredient lists can be misleading. We don't know that the quality is the same, and the exact ratio of ingredients isn't given. My first thought was that the oil used in the squeeze bottle could well be a lower quality oil. The same is true for all of the ingredients.

    This is a distressing development, as there are many of us who will only use this brand of mayonnaise. In fact, this is one criterion by which I judge the quality of a cook.

  12. HOT TIP FOR MAYONNAISE: I tried Costco's Kirkland brand, and found it to meet my high standards. It is in a plastic jar, and it's much larger than one quart.
    I hope my messages help! I love your YouTube channel.

  13. Was always satified with Hellmans Mayo, but moved to Thailand and got a jar of Hellmans in the supermarket . It was Made in the UK and had a awful fishy taste😵‍💫. The ingredients are different and it‘s made with carnola oil insted of soybean oil. Under the list : a good source of Omega 3.

  14. I KNEW IT!!! I was making my usual turkey sandwich but my DIL had picked up Kraft Mayo (squeeze bottle) instead of our normal jar. I told my son, “do you think the turkey sandwiches taste the same as usual?” He said he was very hungry so he didn’t notice any difference. But I NOTICED a BIG difference. So much so that I became obsessed with this search that led me to your video. The taste was not horrible but not satisfying and delicious as usual. I also noticed actual oil on my napkin when wiping my fingers. Never again will I buy squeeze bottle it’s just a waste of money if you are preparing a tried and true turkey sandwich. Thank you for uploading your testing of the items. I’m going to tell my son, I KNEW IT!! 😅

  15. Stumbling upon a mayo conspiracy theory video just right before bed hour is a horrible idea. I DON'T NEED SLEEP. I NEED ANSWERS.

  16. What do you think about the homemade mayo with whole eggs for flavored mayo?
    You pointed out in the video about homemade mayo that it was stiffer, and in this video you wanted stiffer so you could add liquid.

  17. I love your videos! Interesting about jar vs bottle. Who knew!! Out of ease of squeezing the mayo onto whatever medium it's accompanying I've always bought the squeeze bottles, BUT no more. I will start buying the jars – not to mention they are usually on sale at the same time as the bottles and the jars give you more for the same price (at least here in Canada where I live east of Toronto).

  18. The bottle appeared so much more convenient, so I bought a bottle – just once!

    Fortunately just the one, and in the smallest size.

  19. I couldn’t agree with you more I grew up in Los Angeles, and moved to Atlanta at age 15. We had Best foods Mayonnaise west of the Rocky Mountains, and found that east of that was Hellmans. No other mayo works or tastes as good. Everyone has their favorite. Mine is always going to be Hellmans.

  20. OK… has anyone said anything about Dukes Mayo? I haven't tried all mayo brands but out of the ones that I have …. Dukes has been my favorite.

  21. hold up. The mayo you spooned out of that jar is how I remember it, jiggly. The glass jars of the helmann stuff I get here in Japan is compeltely different. Its unable to hold its shape like that. Plus, it tastes different from what I remember in the states.

  22. Note, that the emulsification in the squeeze bottle appears more "complete." It appears to take on a more consistent sheen than from the jar. If you pull out a spoonful from the jar, it almost seems to slightly "crack" sort of like a custard. There are other products, like Ranch Dressing from the store, that have them same kind of nasty taste, the has the same shiny homogenous look. I actually think it's to make the products more "pourable." That the normal state of Best Foods Mayo in a jar, might be a little too clumpy or something. Whatever the case is, I need to get back to getting jars, because I really hate the squeeze bottle taste.

  23. What everyone needs to know is that Hellman's mayonnaise is literally, hell. It contains rancid GMO soybean oil which causes inflammation, diabetes and heart disease amongst other health conditions. Make your own home made mayo from fresh eggs and use extra virgin olive oil. Or find mayo made out of avocado oil.

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