It’s been prayed over. So it’s good



  1. Son0fSanf0rd

    “I’ll have the…letssee…hmmm, OK, give me the salmonella with a side of ptomaine poisoning. Extra bacteria. Thanks!”

  2. VigilanceRex

    And the food is always within three inches of a bare foot.

  3. It’s called the curry of life cuz it has a flourishing ecosystem.

  4. lowkeyslaps

    It already looks like diarrhea and you ain’t even ate it yet….

  5. I don’t know, I was expecting him to prepare and serve the food with his feet. I’m thoroughly disappointed…

  6. With Indian street vendors like this you pray after you eat.

  7. AUnknownVariable

    India is NEVER beating the stereotypes with these actions

  8. LatterTourist6981

    I was eating when I opened this video… food I prepared by myself in sanitary conditions, and all of a sudden, I no longer have an appetite

  9. I see the Chinese anti India bots are hard at work again

  10. AWeakMindedMan

    Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something nice to eat.

  11. Alucard_117

    I’m all for making fun of stupid food, but I kind of draw the line when it comes to making fun of food from other cultures. It’s definitely strange to me, an american, but I think it’s disrespectful to call it stupid. This may be the norm wherever this was filmed, he clearly has customers showing up for plates.

  12. QueenScarebear

    It’s not stupid – but one could definitely admit it’s a wee bit unhygienic for us culturally, no matter how much it’s been prayed over.

  13. fakeraeliteslayer

    This is the same guy chinamac went to when he visited India. They got all paranoid he was there with cameras. He called him to the front of the line and made his food real quick. He was acting paranoid like chinamac was there to investigate his business for the Indian government or something. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8:32 mark in [this]( video.

  14. Serious question here, I understand poverty and limit resources and or facilities, but why is it so filthy? I grew up in Mexico and street food is never anywhere near this revolting.

  15. Contagious_Zombie

    They don’t have a USDA or FDA to intervene.

  16. dumbndepressed

    This subreddit just loves to make fun of India huh

  17. gargara_s_hui

    No armpit, ass cheeks or feet used, also not enough sweat or other body fluids. Indeed there are better places to eat!

  18. Available_Username_2

    You can say anything about the hygiene but it probably tastes really good! The food itself looks delicious.

  19. Spaceball007

    I think I got food poisoning from watching this

  20. aruarian_believer

    You will have better chance of staying alive by playing Russian roulette than eating that thing or whatever that is.


    Did its like they go out of their way to make it filthy. As poor as they are I’m sure he can build a makeshift table and stool. He doesn’t have to slop food on his pants just because he’s poor lol.

  22. halfanothersdozen

    I hate this sub so fucking much.

    Which do I keep upvoting this shit?

  23. VatnikLobotomy

    Towel over the foot is basically the Nestle Standard over there

  24. Murky_Entertainer378

    The guy who ate that died from intoxication a month ago. This was one of his last videos on his Tiktok account. Vey unfortunate.

  25. I like Indian food and have nothing against Indians but India really needs to get its shit together when it comes disgusting and unhygienic street food.

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