Nuff said

by konto81


  1. Gamecat93

    And this is why we ask them politely yet firmly to leave.

  2. those are the same ppl who smother it with A1 sauce, bbq, ketchuip, hotsauce, and whatever else to try to rejuvenate the lost moisture.

  3. SleepyFlying

    That cow died twice. I rather my steak be able to eat the side salad before I eat it.

  4. erevefuckstolive

    Literally can’t get my mom to stop makin steaks like this. When I get my own steaks I’m tearing it UP

  5. ThirstyBeagle

    I once went to a high school graduation event where they served filet mignons well done per the family’s request. I couldn’t even touch mine.

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