Tried a higher temp than usual with a reverse sear and got the steak to 135 ° before finishing off in a hot pan. Did some roasted potatoes on the side with a red wine demi glace on top.

by MingMao


  1. YogurtclosetBroad872

    Nice job. I go a little higher with ribeye too


    Damn bro that steak is sexy, are you single?

  3. -UnbelievableBro-


    Dude that’s not a ribeye.

    Looks more like a strip.

  4. FartChewer2024

    Absolutely excellent. Lots of sides on here are weak but these are top tier.

  5. itstanz718

    Looks like NY strip but cooked perfectly either way. Enjoy!!!

  6. Jack21113

    I’m no homosexual but a steak like that is pulling my strings 🤤

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