Pray for me

by lucky_neutron_star


  1. victoryabonbon

    I dropped my three hour pasta sauce last weekend, I feel your pain

  2. -TerrificTerror-

    I’m not a scream and slam the door kind of person but i’d definitely need to go sit outside for a couple of minutes to avoid becoming one after that!

  3. MikeOKurias

    I feel your pain, those cooling racks are like friggan ice skates on countertops. I have learned to put them on top of a damp rag to prevent accidental bump from sending it flying.

  4. PersistentCookie

    Oh man. My hubby and I still talk about the Baby Back Incident of 1993.

  5. ScratchTechnical9281

    At least the glass didn’t break 😔💔

  6. Butterscotch8721

    I feel your loss. Whenever I drop something I curse everything. Looked yummy too 🥹💔

  7. rachrachcalero

    My sanity had not been quite as tested as it was than the first time I had to watch my cooling rack collapse with hours worth of cookies on it (thank god for dad moving so quick while I stood in shock)

  8. FineFuckingLine

    Did something similar with custard filled cupcakes. They slid out of the end of a box and as they hit the floor they exploded.

  9. Not2DaySatan69

    I would cry. 😭 Take anything but the chocolate!! 🍫

  10. The_Gilded_Gourd

    The Pyrex didn’t shatter tho. So it wasn’t a total loss.

  11. NyxPetalSpike

    Plus side is no molten caramel or napalm hot sugar syrup anywhere, bonus dish didn’t shatter.

    Clean up sucketh though.

  12. dishearthening

    I mean… at least the dish didn’t break? 🥲

  13. drawingablankhere93

    I made a giant pot of spaghetti sauce last week. It was supposed to be divided up and frozen, so my family just has to thaw and heat while I recover from my surgery and I can’t cook. I made it from scratch, so many tomatoes…2 lbs of expensive meat. I went to take it off off the stove and cool it on the counter…and it was so heavy my wrist gave out.
    I am still finding bits of tomato sauce in very odd places on my freshly painted walls..

  14. StopItYouHipsters

    I made a very delicious fillet of salmon that was perfect. Took the pan out of the oven then set it on the store top, then my stupid self decided to just lift the sheet of tinfoil I had it on to remove it from the pan so it could cool a little more quickly (I know I was so dumb). When moving it only a few inches from the pan to my plate the tinfoil ripped in half and it fell on the floor. I could only stare in silence as my dogs moved quickly and vacuumed it up. I cleaned the floor in silence with a blank stare, then went and sat on my couch in silence for a little.

    I had been craving salmon for days and I only bought one fillet. But I was so determined to have salmon that I just Instacarted a new fillet because there was NO way I wasn’t going to have salmon that night.

  15. littleladyluv

    Oh my god! I would be on the floor crying like a big drama queen 😭😭😭.

  16. crocodile_deathspear

    Whatever it was, it definitely looked delicious at least! Sorry for your loss! 🙁

  17. mall_goth420

    God almighty that looks like it would have been delicious too

  18. Riverboatcaptain123

    All I hear is that sound when you lose on the price is right

  19. GenericUsername19892

    Ok so I tried really hard for a bit to find cake ingredient brand name that featured father, son, and some version of holy to put together a nice baking themed prayer spoofing the catholic trinity invocation – but all the search engines just keep trying to give me Father’s Day baking recipes. I have failed.

    So know the intent was there and I wish you the best.

  20. CarpeNoctu

    I once spent 5 hours or so, crafting and baking an experimental cheesecake, only to drop it when taking it out of the oven… Like yours, it turned upside down and splattered all over the place. Unfortunately, it was still too hot to clean up, so I had to stand there and stare at it for the next half hour, while it cooled enough to clean up, and I had to wait until the following week to gather all the ingredients again.

    In the end, it was a success, though. An utterly incredible savory cheesecake!

  21. Kindness2kids

    Yummy messed up, I can’t imagine the pain at that moment

  22. Kindness2kids

    Yummy messed up, I can’t imagine the pain at that moment

  23. Not baking, but… I had just finished a dry rub on a rack of spare ribs, and almost dropped them. I feel your pain.

  24. Silvawuff

    Condolences for your loss. At least no broken glass embedded in hot gooey brownie to clean up and possibly step on later. This is a “best” case scenario!

  25. Happyhome35

    I am so sorry.

    I didn’t check the sub first and thought it was dog diarrhea from an escaped cage. I was imagining the smell and clean up… so glad I read your post and it is not what I envisioned

    So…in the scheme of things, it could have been worse…

  26. hermeticbear

    oh, I’m so sorry. I hope you can recover from it.
    Whenever I have baking issues I often take a break to just relax and clear my mind.
    Although screaming into a pillow also helps.

  27. Riotacket

    My freshly proved rolls went with god last week, I feel you my friend

  28. taffibunni

    At first glance I thought this was a roomba poo incident. So at least it isn’t that.

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