Captain Lewis Nixon, portrayed by Ron Livingston in Band of Brothers, is pictured hungover after raiding Hermann Goring’s wine collection at the mountain town of Berchtesgaden. Lewis Nixon’s friend, Major Dick Winters, discovered the collection of an estimated 10,000 bottles of wine in the cellar at Goering’s officers’ quarters and club. He gave his best friend and alcohol connoisseur Lewis Nixon first pick of some of the finest wines, which had probably been looted from every corner of Europe.

Other Allied soldiers who explored the wine cellar after Nixon complained that Goering only stocked inferior grade wines. In reality, Nixon had taken the cream of the crop. He drank to celebrate Germany’s surrender on May 7, 1945, which became definitive on May 8 (V-E Day). The partying that ensued around Berchtesgaden, which included drinking $1,000 bottles of wine, was said to be legendary. #

by warmseizuresalad

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