Ritz cracker base with milk chocolate covered Ritz crackers and peanut butter ribbons

I added a bit too much peanut butter, so it overpowers the base a bit. The base on its own, however, is exceptional. On my next go, I'd either omit the peanut butter entirely, or use half of the amount. Overall, this is a tremendous base flavor for ice cream that I would highly recommend.

For the Ritz base:

380g whole milk (3.75% fat)

370g cream

120g sugar

50g dextrose

4.5g salt

15g skim milk powder

60g Ritz crackers

1g stabilizer (adjust at your discretion, mine leads to gummy ice cream if used in normal amounts)

Combine all ingredients except for cream and bring to 185f. Add cream, and then immersion blend until completely homogenous. Chill in an ice bath, then let sit 24 hrs, churn, and enjoy.

For the chocolate covered Ritz, I used 32% milk chocolate combined with a touch of coconut oil.

Use any pb ribbon recipe of your choice. Mine was not optimal as my coconut oil has a coconut taste, so I instead opted for canola. I used altogether around 80g of peanut butter in this recipe.

by iahoover

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