Best burrito in the city

by Microsoft423


  1. whatsamajig

    Burritos are the most delicious, least photogenic food in history.

  2. I passed right by here coming back from New Buffalo Wednesday. I wish you posted this then I would have stopped.

  3. Marsupialize

    Reminds me of my high school days in Summit

  4. Big_Reflection_2706

    Carne asada California burrito is the absolute best

  5. Did it taste as good as it looks? and that is amazing.

  6. mountainofmoo

    Don’t spoil this for me, it’s a great. Next time order a tamale which is hilariously almost the same size as the burrito.

  7. apresmodes

    Anyone been to the new location on Harrison and Sacramento?

  8. Procyonid

    In the thumbnail it looked like the burrito was doing a sit up.

  9. DontCountToday

    Fuuuuck I lived around the corner from that place (and Bartolis, best gluten free pizza and spectacular regular pizza in the city if you’re looking) for 5 years and I miss it more than life.

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