Father dear brought 2 of these home and is expecting me to make something great(i have minimal cooking experience) do any of you have a easy to follow recipe?

by Safe_Fan8053


  1. Shadygunz

    Definitely a lamb shoulder!
    Amazing for low and slow practices, we experimented with pulled lamb recently at work (just salt and pepper) and it’s quite amazing, not for everyone though.
    I’m myself more of a fan of using them for lamb curry, but a roast as mentioned in another comment will also work very well.

  2. DarthBlatter

    If you dont have any access to charcoal BBQ, follow these steps.

    1) Turn it over, there will be a thick layer of fat on the other side. Get a sharp knife and make cut marks, not going too deep, only about half a centimeter dept without reaching red meat under. Salt especially that side nicely.
    2) Wrap it with tin foil, couple of times. I also wrap it first with baking paper to avoid meat contacting aluminum ( I dont think it is needed, but my wife does).
    3) Heat your oven to 150 C / 300 F. Cook it for about 4 hours. If you have a temperature probe, I stop cooking it when the meat internal temperature reaches about 96C / 205F
    4) Open the tinfoil and rest it for about 5-10 mins. Be very careful not to burn yourself because it will be extremely hot, avoid juices.

    Bone will come off.

    If you have a charcoal BBQ, get 1 piece of well dried wood. Put all the charcoal and wood on one side and meat on the other side so you cook it indirectly (like an oven). Cook it indirectly for about an hour or internal temperature of the meat reaches about 60-65C. And then go on to step 2 and tin foil it. You can keep it in the bbq until you are out of charcoal and transfer it to the oven.

    I have cooked it this way for about 100 times.

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