Vacuum sealed from Costco.

by truehaun


  1. PerfectTotal8698

    No. Vacuumed packed meat can stay in the fridge 8 to 10 days. In the fridge some anaerobic bacteria can grow at 3*C (37*F) and higher and multiply to levels that can lead to illness.

  2. Peripheral1994

    Yeah, def consider this an error, a sell-by of Jul 23 would be more appropriate for this if just refrigerated. You might get lucky, but I wouldn’t risk it – freeze or cook it ASAP.

  3. DocHenry66

    I wet age all the time. I get my cryovac pack cuts from Restaurant Depot and hold in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks depending on the pack dates etc. Been doing it for 10’years.

  4. RealityTrashTVLover

    As a general rule here are some guidelines as to how long meat can last in a cryovac bag, under ideal refrigerated conditions: Beef – approx 4 weeks from date packed. Lamb – approx 14 days from date packed. Pork – approx 10 days from date packed.

    When we have our cattle butchered, we let them hang for at least 28 days in a cooler.

    You guys are dumb AF

  5. Hot_Corner_5881

    in the fridge??? you forgot to eat it?????

  6. ThermalScrewed

    45 days in the original bag is fine. Aged beef is more tender.

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