whipped butter on a rock. Thoughts????

by forest–fox


  1. breadloaves77

    If I got that view for my meal, you could just glop the butter right onto the table, I don’t care.

  2. A bit crunchy for my tastes but if you have a good dentist and are brave enough, why not.

  3. TimeturnerJ

    Looks like a smooth and polished cut though. It might as well be a plate at that point.

  4. killertofubeast

    Pyornkrachzark the Rock-Biter would love it.

  5. FelisCantabrigiensis

    Honestly not any worse than on a flat plate in my view, and if they chilled the rock enough then it might stop the butter becoming too soft.

    I’m aware this view may be considered heretical in this parish.

  6. willybarrow

    I find the over use of the word whipped on menus equally as frustrating

  7. I think it would look much nicer and feel more sensible if the rock was smaller – I don’t think it should be bigger than the actual bread basket.

  8. Impressive-Strain-72

    My guess is either Italy (Southern Tirol) or Switzerland.. so?

  9. Lightsabermetrics

    Little dishes made specifically for butter already exist. Just one one of those.

  10. knowledgebass

    This rocks!

    (literally and not figuratively)

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