Take a seat and grab a treat , bcz tasty food is always a good idea!!
Good food – Good Mood!!

Try out these amazing Cheesy Beef Tacos , made with basic ingredients and its making consumes no time!

Ingredients 🌸
Beef mince
Sauce of your choice
Tortillas or tacos shells
( i used tortillas )

Also I added some basic spices in beef , try it out , it will surely enhances its flavour!

Spread mince over tortilla , now in a heated pan add small quantity of oil and place tortillas.
Cook on medium to high flame until nicely done , add lots of cheese ( or you can skip it if you don’t like 🫠 ) , now on low flame cover the pan until cheese melts.
Now add your favourite sauce , iceberg and enjoyyy!!!

Make sure to enjoy it when freshly made!!

Take every bite and savour the moment!!

Note : You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food!

Enjoy food , enjoy life!

I hope you enjoy the video!

And Have A Very Nice Day!!


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